"And you can call me your boyfriend"

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Lauren: I'll do it! If, your ok with that.

Alex: of course! It's my dream!!!

Some girl: I'm sooooo going to that play!!!!!!!

Remi: great!

Remi handed us fliers to the play! Where is was at, when to be there, and all that good stuff!

Alex: thanks!

Mia: Can I audition for the woman lead????

Remi: you just want to be the lead because of the kiss scene.

Tiffany: well Mr.Cameron says we need to give everyone a chance. Even if the guy is in a relationship.

Mia: yay!!!!

Alex: um ok?

Tiffany mouthed the words "sorry" to me

Me and Alex went to the football field

Lauren: your, going to kiss Mia?

Alex: well, she didn't get the role yet.

Lauren: she an amazing actor! And producer, and person, and kisser....

Alex: it's ok! Just practice the lines and you'll nail it!

Lauren: no I won't. I have stage fright.

Alex: then why did you except?

Lauren: because, I don't know.

Alex: well just so you know I'm not going to kiss Mia if i get the role

Lauren: no! Don't drop out!!! It's your dream!

Alex: well my dream is to also have a great girlfriend. And what kind of person would I be if I kissed my girlfriends best friend??

Lauren: you, called me your girlfriend?

Alex: and you can call me your boyfriend

Alex walked off and I started to smile, and I leaped into the air because the words I've been waiting for have finally arrived to my destination and-

Alex: oh and one more thing!

I immediately stopped

Alex: *laughs* class is starting! And you don't want a detention for being late!

The new kidNơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ