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Mia: ok!!!!! Suuuuuuuure!

Lauren: I shouldn't  judge a book by it's cover. I actually like Alex.

Alisha: he's right there!

Lauren: he is?

Alex: uh hi.

Lauren: how long have you been standing there???

Alex: enough to know that your friends are the Mia, Remi, and Tiffany I was talking about! And, that I'm glad I met you.

I ran in for a hug!

Alisha: AWWWWW!

Mia: that should be mee!

Alisha slapped Mia's arm

Alisha: oh shut up stop ruining the moment!!!

Lauren: second, hang out?

Alex: second date.

Alisha: my tiny heart is melting!!!!!!!!!!

Next day
Second, whatever


Lauren: what are we doing today?

Alex: well, what do you want to do?

Lauren: I mean I don't know if anythings gonna beat hiking up to the Hollywood sign!

Alex: hot tub party?

Lauren: just the two of us?

Alex: unless you want to bring someone else?

Lauren: no, all the girls will-

Alex: nevermind, I know.

Lauren: I'm down for a hot tub party if your down!

Alex: ok!

Some girl: you do realize your standing in front of the entire school, right?

Lauren: do you guys have anything better to do?

Remi: sign you guys up for the play!!

Alisha: yeah! You guys would make a great pair for a love story!!

Alex: like Romeo and Juliet or something?

Mia: no no no! We make original stories here!

Tiffany: right now we're working on.... well we don't have a name for it. But it's about a girl who is rich and doesn't need a guy in her life!

Remi: but then she meets a guy who isn't rich and doesn't have everything he would ever want, then they meet!

Lauren: so, basically every Bollywood movie ever to exist?

Tiffany: that's what I was going for!

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