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han eunha waltzed down the familiar streets of goyang, korea with a single ear bud in and her black backpack quaintly shaking with each step she took.

the routine was easy. school, doodle in between, study, dance, sleep, repeat.

so why was it so painful to go through it every day? she enjoyed school for the most part but it had become just so, mundane. as if feeding someone their favorite food of say waffles or pancakes until they got absolutely sick and tired of it to the point they saw it as revolting.

she sat down on the bus bench with various others. only one other student was usually there with her. the rest were usually workers that had a long commute across the city. then, just as routine, the bus came.

it wasn't like she was the new kid like the other dramas she'd watch and obsess over but the transfer student that kinda just, blended into their new environment. this time, she was returning for her senior year. had it already been two years since she moved from busan to here?

of course, it worried her if she picked up an accent in the years she spent over there. however, those years are enough to get attached to people and although they may have forgotten her, a few still keep in touch with her. she was always moving around because of her parent's work.

"two years just swung by that fast, huh." she rambled to herself as she leaned her head against the window. she boarded one of the earliest buses, the night still a creep and a few stars still trickling, glittering, and flickering. as much as she hated waking up immensely earlier than her peers, it was the only way she could make sure the music room was vacant to herself.

and so like the daily routine, at 4:53am her bus would stop a few blocks or so away from the school campus and students would slowly trickle into the school gates, to the yard, and crowd inside (especially on rainy days) around 7am.

of course, with it being literally the crack of dawn, she slowly walked down when she saw something not apart of the routine.

it was quite a sight, soccer captain im jaebum was staring at a tree in the dark practically. usually, he would be walking at a faster pace, leaving a huge gap between the two as if he avoided her on purpose.

eunha quickly dismissed it and continued to walk, not paying any attention to him. however, she soon came to also stare at the tree as she kept walking, hearing a faint whisper from him.

"i can do it i can do it i can do it"

when she passed by the small event, a yelp and the sound of something hitting the concrete sounded through her ears. she flinched and turned over.

as bad as it was, instead of helping, a normal reaction, she laughed before helping.

there was a cat all over and about jaebum's face as he tried pulling it off. after eunha stopped laughing her ass off, she finally ran over to him and pulled the cat away. however, that's not to say that she was practically still snorting in the inside.

"t-thank you so much!" jaebum looked at the girl, noting how small she was. she had her uniform on of course but he was surprised how done she already looked with the concept of school. her hair was in a messy bun and she almost looked agitated from a certain angle. otherwise, she just looked like a cute lower class man, probably a sophomore.

eunha looked around her to see what he was staring at. she was gonna say something like "um okay, that's nice," to see if she could snap him out of his random trance.

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