Chapter 10

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Hello guys, sorry for not updating, I don't know if you saw my previous note but my PC died and with it, all my drafts and data. Advise: Always do a backup. I didn't do it and now here the consequences. I'm angry with myself for what just happen, because I had a lot of data, photos etc that probably it's gone forever... anyway, I'm not gonna update as often as I wish, I need to buy a new laptop and / or repair the other one, so until then, here it's what I could do thanks to my roomie who lent me her laptop for some hours...

Chapter 10

(Knock knock)

Alison. – "Hann... can we talk?"

(Not reply and Alison slowly opened the door; she was slowly approaching but she stops when her little sis yells)

Hanna. – "I don't want to talk with you! Get out!"

Alison feels hurt by Hanna's attitude, after all, she's her precious Hanna...

Alison pleads. – "Hann..."

Hanna. – "I say LEAVE! You choose her ahead of me so LEAVE ME ALONE! Don't pretend that you care about me..."

Alison. – "Pretend?! I've NEVER... I will NEVER pretend my affection towards you Hann..." (She cups Hanna's cheeks with her hands and says as she's looking at her into the eyes) "Hann, you're my LIFE! You're my precious little sis... my precious Hanna and nothing... NO ONE will ever change that..."

Hanna gulps. – "But... but you are gonna marry her... you will build your own family and you will leave me alone..."

Alison hugs Hanna and she says as she's hugging her and kissing her head. – "Hann... I'm not going anywhere... I'll never leave you alone..."

Hanna. – "You say that now but..."

Alison. – "No 'but' ok! Hann, look at me!" (Their eyes meet) "My love for Emily doesn't change my love for you Hann, I love, both of you, but in a different way... she knows that and I need you to understand that too... I want to build a family with Emily but that family doesn't exclude you... you're my family and I will always be here for you..." (She caresses Hanna's cheek) "Oh, Hann, I'm doing my best on giving you everything I can... on raising you as well as I can..." (Chuckles) "I even broke my heart for you... and I thought that I could bear it... that I could just let her go..." (Deep breath and watery-eyes as she felt overwhelmed by her own emotions) "But it huts Hann..." (Tears) "It hurts so much than no even all the alcohol in the world can help me to bear the pain...."

Hanna gulps. – "Ali..."

Alison. – "Since the moment you came into my life, all I ever wanted is to keep you safe and happy... all I want it's always seeing you smile, happy... don't you wanna the same for me? Don't you want me to be happy?"

Hanna pouted, crossing her arms, she obviously wants her big sis to be happy but she's too stubborn to admit that she's wrong...

Alison. – "Hann... I'm not going to marry Emily yet... I'm not gonna choose a date... not until you get aboard with the idea..."

Hanna. – "And what if I never accept her... are you going to call it off? The engagement?"

Alison takes her time to think and she replies. – "No..."

Hanna pouted with a grumpy face. – "But you just said....!"

Alison. – "She's mine Hann, Emily is mine and I'm not letting her go..."

Hanna teases. – "So, what? Do you really think that she will be your eternal fiancée?!" (Mocking laughs) "Please... she will not wait for you and she will leave you sooner or later..."

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