Chapter 7

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Hello thanks you so much for the reviews, glad that you like it ^^. So for this chapter, keep in mind that: Alison's Dad is dead, Spencer and Alison were besties a long, long time ago, Spoby's affair got just revealed under public eye with Mona's blog and Hanna has never accepted any girlfriend of Alison, she doesn't want anyone else besides her in Alison's heart... now, here the next chapter, like always any comment and review is welcome :D !

Chapter 7

(Alison's narrative)

I had always thought that the idea of love at 1st sight was one of those things invented by novelists... yeah... I didn't believe in love at 1st sight until she came into my life...

*** Alison's dream***

In the living room, a little Alison was waving from one side to another... she was impatient very impatient... Alison smiled and ran as soon as she saw her Dad emerging into the room...

Alison. - "Is she here?!"

Kenneth nodded. - "Yes... do you wanna hold her?"

Alison nodded with a big smile. Kenneth took the baby out of the stroller and he said as he was putting the baby on Alison's arm...

Kenneth. - "Careful Ali, she's delicate..."

Alison nodded, she was so impatient to know her new sibling... the baby was heavy for the little blonde but as soon as her eyes looked at the baby Hanna... something inside Alison's heart melted... there was no way that Alison would ever drop so beautiful baby....

Alison smiled. - "She's so beautiful..."

Kenneth smiled. "Yeah... she's perfect..."

Alison caressed the face of the baby and the baby giggled, giving a big smile to Alison...

Alison chuckled. - "You're so cute..." (Chuckles as she talked to the baby) "You know... you're here because of me..."

Kenneth raised an eye brow and asked. - "Why you say that?"

Alison looked up towards her Dad and smiled. - "Because last Christmas, I asked to Santa for a little sis..." (She looked at the baby and said) "I didn't want to be alone anymore.... I said to Santa: 'bring me a sis!' Someone who will play with me and now she's here..." (Big smile) "With me...."

Kenneth. - "Well... in that case, I count on you to protect her ok Ali?"

Alison said as she stared at the baby. - "Don't worry Daddy... she's the most beautiful thing that I've ever seen..." (She chuckled when the baby did a bubble of saliva) "She's my precious Hanna and I swear that I will protect her with my life..." (She chuckled when the baby smiled) "I will do anything just to keep that smile on your face... I promise..."

Some people would say that love at 1st sight doesn't exist but looking at the little Alison; someone just caught her heart with a bubbly smile...

*** End of the dream***

Alison was slowly opening her eyes, she was smiling... just remembering her previous dream that was actually one of her favorite memories... the blonde felt a gaze on her and she looked up towards Emily by the corner of her eyes...

Alison said with a sleepy voice. - "You're staring..."

Emily chuckled. - "I'm gazing..."

Alison. - "It's creepy..."

Emily kissed Alison's cheek and said. - "It's lovely..."

Emily started kissing Alison's face...

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