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Hello my Emison sweethearts; I know, it took me a long long time to write in this story but let's face it, the waiting it just makes it so much better and time breeds wisdom... (* grin *)

Well, I officially welcome you to this 'sugar' world and unlike the tittle, this story will not sweeten your ears; sex, lies, scandal and so much more... don't expect a fairy tale from me, this is not Cinderella's story but I gotta say, it has something that will not crush your expectations...

But where are my manners?! I haven't done the introductions, so let's start...

* Alison DiLaurentis:

- 20 years old, Geminis, single

- Family: Father (Kenneth – dead); Mother (Jessica – alcoholic); younger sister (Hanna – Alison's precious treasure)

- Only actual friend / partner in business / parental figure: Erza Fitz, he's her conscience...

- Ex's: Samara Cook (Bad breakup), after Samara, just random girls, 'sugar babies' no one worthy to mention... at least not yet...

- IT Entrepreneur; this girl's not the typical blonde, she's smarter of what she looks like, with natural talent to make business and because she's really good on reading people; it didn't take her a long time to make it to the top again... Again? Yes, again, because since she was born, she has always been part of the Elite; Being a DiLaurentis was reason to be proud, yes it was until her father went bankrupt and killed himself.

With all the debts & humiliation over them, with a hopeless mother and her precious little sis clinging on her; at young age, Alison stepped up in the business world and with the help of Erza, she re-build the DiLaurentis Empire. The blonde changed the name of the company to 'AD' and now she's also known as 'AD'.

- Her Mantra: "Love? Overrated... Power! That's the real deal... power & money... if you've those 2 things; you can secure everything else..."

- Her Achilles heel: Her little sis, Hanna... if you really have a dead wish, you will definitely get it granted if you mess with Ms. Hanna DiLaurentis... no one mess with her precious Hanna...

- Her rivals: The Hastings (especially Spencer Hasting, her ex-former BF); The Drake (especially her cousin Cece); The Kahn and whoever mess with Hanna will get too into her blacklist...

* Hanna DiLaurentis

- 17 years old; Aries; Hanna is actually a complete brat, spoiled by her big sis Alison; she's reckless, stubborn; still angry with life for what happen with her Dad, she found comfort on the spoiled life that her sister provides her; parties, money, no limits... it's definitely good to be the precious Hanna...

- Her Achilles heel: Her mom, Jessica. Since little, Hanna has been always bullied by her mom about her weight and that has caused her eating disorders, disorders that she's keeping as a secret from Alison. Because Hanna knows that if Alison finds out about it, she will destroy Jessica for it...

- Friends: Mona (blogger and nasty girl), Aria (romantic and innocent), her besties are completely on opposite sides; Mona and Aria are always acting like the 'devil' & the 'angel' when Hanna is in a dilemma... let's see which side will this little blonde finally decline when the time comes...

- Rivals: Everyone that is enemy of Alison, is also enemy of Hanna; no one mess with these two blondes and definitely no one should try to get in the middle of them too; Alison's affection is just for Hanna, because if you think that Alison is overprotective towards Hanna, you've no idea of how Hanna reacts when she sees someone getting in the middle of Alison and her, so careful Emily, Hanna doesn't share Alison's heart and she will definitely do anything in her power to keep it like that; if you don't believe me, just asked to the Ex of Alison; because for little Hanna, no one is enough worthy for her big sis...

* Spencer Hastings

- 20 years old, Libra; the 'A' girl, the 'perfect' girl under the eyes of the entire world; always doing her best on keeping the Hastings' name up high, even if that means to give the back on her BF, I mean her ex-BF because a Hastings can't be around with someone that could stain her name right...?

Being a Hastings is not an easy job, always pretending to be perfect; it has its consequence, if you don't believe me, ask to Spencer's stomach... pills and coffee is the only thing that it's getting these days and that diet will definitely hit this rich pretentious girl when she lets expect it...

- Family: Peter & Veronica (parents); Melissa & Jason (siblings)

- Social cercle: Melissa's friends (Ian, Wren, Cece, Jenna, Noel)

- Love interest: Toby (her bodyguard that's actually her secret lover)

And now, we left for the end, our sweet Emily...

* Emily Fields

- 22 years old, Aquarius; single

- Family: Wayne (Dad – dead), Pam (Mom)

- Only actual friend: Sara Harvey (actual 'roomie')

- Ex's: Paige (Nasty breakup)

- This innocent naïve girl lost her way after the dead of her Dad; great swimmer and good student; she got a scholarship to study in California; scholarship that she recently lost by dropping her grades and being kicked out of the swim team for showing up drunken. Now, Emily desperate for money to pay her tuition fees, she will get into the 'sugar' world and she will be pampered by Alison, aka AD.

This brunette is not able to separate pleasure and love; still believing in fairy tales and rainbows; this girl will fall hard for her sponsor; but let's see if this mermaid will be able to swim her way directly into Alison's heart and dodges all the obstacles... no one says that love was an easy thing and it will be more complicated when the Exs will re-emerged on the picture...

Now that the main presentations are done, you have a clear idea of who you will see in this 'sugar' world... A glamorous life is sweet, especially when you have a sugar mama but let's see how that works for our sweet Emily... so stay tuned... this will be kind of a ride...

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