A cold wind passed and I internally shook, brining my jacket closer I took its heat "Do you wanna come in, now? My home is just straight up stairs" I invited him again. He kept his silence and I was getting edgy now. What is the matter.

"Do you remember, when you gave me a tour, we visited quiet few places" Harry said out of no where. I jogged my memory back and yeah I played his guide rule back in University days.

"Yeah, anything particular about it?" I asked him apprehension growing on me.

"We missed a place, you said you never visited it before, did you now?" He asked me a random question again.

"Are you talking about the Museum?" I answered him dubiously.

"Precisely." He closed the doubt window on that. I wondered when did I mentioned. But true to the word. I never had time till this date to actually visit it.

"Not that I can remember" I replied him.

"Do you still wish to see it?" He asked me. I stared at him, where is he going with this acting his way I replied "someday may be"

"Not day, I meant now! Do you wish to see it now, because I wish to" Harry said his spontaneous Nature made me Little worried. And I laughed at his joke.

"It's closed Harry, do you know what time it is. It's past twelve" I teased him.

"Time is no such issues for me, matter of fact, is that. Do you wanna accompany me?" Harry raised his eyebrow, it felt like an challenge, and I can't back out of it.

On pure instincts I said "Yes, I still wanna go."

"Excellent, go change, put something warmer, it's freezing outside" Harry said and stood giving me his hand, I looked at his hand and said "Oh! What the hell" taking his hand I stood and ran upstairs.

I quickly changed into a jeans and a warmer jumper of my size, pulling a scarf around my neck and folding my hair in a messy bun I took my coat and ran down, feeling giddy. It felt like an secret mission.

Harry was waiting were I left him, he looked up at my approaching footsteps and gave me a small smile.

"How are we going it's quite far from here" I raised another question.

"Magic" He replied and gave me his hand again. He is going to teleport with me. I gulped this made me sick but ofcourse I couldn't show him that. I put a brave smile on and took his hand timidly.

"Close your eyes, it will be over in a minute" Harry said and I obyed his instructions.

My head spin so fast I felt like throwing up, with all my force I clutched Harry's poor arm, my whole body was floating in air and I can't feel the land beneath, panic settled in and an involuntary scream escaped my lips.

We hit the land and Harry's feet landed firmly where as I wobbled any minute to face land, Harry quickly caught my off balance body " Are you alright?" He asked concerned.

I turned in his arm and break the contact stepping two steps back "I am, of course, what a ride" I pretended to be cheerful, but all I wanted was to puke.

Harry gave me a skeptical look and turned his face towards The Museum, it was truly magnificent. The security must be on a different level here, how are we even gonna break in.

"Easy, I go in and defuse the system, I have seen there security circuit, it's a basic. They should change it for real" Harry answered my inner thoughts. Or did I said them aloud unconsciously again.

"How do you know there security circuit?" I focused on important question.

"I had a detour before I came to see you" Harry winked and my mouth shaped an perfect 'o'

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