Chapter 12

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"How did it go?" Bryan asked.

I entered our flat and throwed the keys on stand table and kicked my boots off and roughly hanged my coat on the coat hanger.

"Okay." said Bryan.

I marched inside and sat on the coach beside him resting my legs on the coffee table in front of me.

"It went great, I assume." Said Bryan dangling his eye brows weirdly.

"Hah- What are you talking about?" I questioned him.

He stared at me and gave me a sympathy look. "I understand, come here" He bought his arms around me and started patting my head.

"What the hell are you doing, Bryan?" I muffled.

"Comforting you. Duah" He replied.

"But why?" I asked, trying to push him from me.

"Stop acting like a lunatic, you can try for an another appointment"

"Appointment? what appoint...."I stopped.

Oh yeah Appointment. I completely forgot about Madam Finn's case I was so caught up in letters and then one thing led to another it slipped from my mind. Of course he is asking about my failed meeting. I made an irritated face and punched him on his arm.

"I never meet her, I din't had an reservation" I mourned.

"Oouchh....why the heck are you punching me, I am only helping you here." He broke our embrace.

"And, what did you say? You never had an reserved appointment with her?" He perplexed.

"No" I replied slowly, moving my eyes around the living area.

"Honestly, You amaze me... how did you even ended up here until now?" Who doesn't reserve an appointment love?" He mocked, enjoying my embarrassment to it's fullest.

"Shut up, Bryan" I slapped his arm once more.

"Would you stop hitting me." He snarled.

"I hope you made an appointment for tomorrow or next available date" He said.

I gave him a mean glare and replied "She is Unavailable till the next month"

"Is she now?" He smiled.

"You are so weird half of the time. Din't you heard she is unavailable till next month." I stated.

"There is this Huge Charity event organised, you know same old fund raiser balls" He explained with his hand motions.

"Yeah. so?" I asked bewildered

"Around every year here in Paris, held for.." He said

"For the Magical Ministry of Paris and other world Ministry Diplomats and Foreign Affairs, Yeah I know that, so what?" I asked with a tone.

"Well you know WHO is the Charges d affaries?" He said with an glint of amusement.

"Bryan can you please come to the......" I was saying when I saw Bryan's eyes widening so much as though he is communicating with his expressive eyes. And holding his breath in place and slowly pushing answer in my brain.

And it worked. He had magically transported the answer to my rusted brain.

"Madam Finn" We both announced at the same time.

Laughter enveloped us when we both jumped up and down on the sofa with sheer excitement.

"Oh crap." I said.

"How can I attend such prestigious Ball Bryan? even tough your idea is amazing but I can never get in" All my excitement flushed down to the sad gutter which happened to be my life once again.

"I have an idea, and I am pretty sure I can get You a pass." He assured me.

"Really, You can?" I asked with such high hopes.

"of course love, You can count on me." He smiled his infamous cute dimple smile at me.

I grinned like a fool with him. Feeling a lot cheerful after this conversation, Bryan had this affect on me. He made everything easy for me and lately I had started relaying on him from small to big things in my life, I never meant to give him this place but he drew me close, He earned my respect then my trust. Only imagining him out of my life when this Paris fairy tale ends breaks my heart and gives me anxiety all over again.

"So what took you so long?" He asked.

"Hmm....I told ya about the letters right" I replied.

"Yeah. were they long as usual?" He smirked.

Bryan had no big family, he only had his mum left behind in London. So it only took one letter for him where as I had to deal with an pile, he made fun of it but he also envied me for that. I introduced him to my family after his constant nagging and never ending questioning about them and he was so happy when I said they ask about his well being too in my letters.

Back at home every one knows about my one and only closest friend Bryan White, what they don't know is he is also my rommie and we share a apartment together, they still think I live in a hostel and not with my buddy buddy partner, I choosed not to say a soul only leaving Sara. well you don't have a best friend unless you tell her how many breaths you take in a day, let only a rommie.

"They all were dying to know about this living legend" I fluttered my eye lashes at him.

"They must be" He scratched his chin in a amused way.

"You wish." I laughed. And headed for kitchen.

"I made soup" He shouted.

"Who is sick?" I shouted back.

"You can have soup in a perfect health too" He said standing in the doorway. Crossing his arms in a mothery look.

"Whatever. Mother" I pushed him going out and sitting in my previous seat. Bryan with his bowl sitting back at his spot.

"So, how is Sara" He asked.

"She is cool." I replied.

"And Mrs. Weasley?" He asked again.

"Good. she is being plain these days. No work. No mischievous children around" I shrugged.

Bryan smiled agreeing.

"Mum can't wait to meet her daughter in law" He said laughingly.

"Oh I can't wait either" I grinned.
"seriously I think she isn't joking anymore, this is my first stable longest relationship with a girl even she knows it" He replied soberly.

"Ill clarify what douchebag you are in my next letter to Mrs White" I joked.

"You better do it. Or else I hear wedding bells" He smirked.

"Don't jinx it. You are a tod!!" I threw my table napkin at him.

Successfully dodging it he moved and took his and mine empty bowls to the kitchen and stood in front of me again.

"I'm calling it night. I have plenty of work tomorrow" He said and gave me his hand.

"Me too. Too tired" I yawned.

"Night love." He said and went for his room.

"Night brye" I smiled. He glared.

I waved back innocentlh and headed for my room closing the lights I went straight for my bed letting sleep comfort me once more.

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