Christmas At Hogwarts

Start from the beginning

 To prevent my subconscious telling me of my worthlessness of the bracelet, I quickly turn my attention to the second envelop and parcel. Looking at the smaller, more mature hand I recognized Hope’s writing. Reading her letter, I smile at her description of how her work had been recently, with a few anecdotes for days she had particularly enjoyed. My heart felt too big for my chest; it was easy to recognize that Hope adored being a healer, it was in every word written; I smiled knowing that Hope would also have been smiling when she wrote them. Once finished reading the letter, I pick up the curious little box attached to the letter and gently pry away the wrapping paper. Peering inside, a note fell to the floor as I opened the lid but momentarily forgetting about the note, I sucked in a sharp breath when I notice that nestled into some black shiny fabric, twinkling back at me was a stunning ring.

Shocked at the captivating ring, I bend down to scope up the note I had dropped and eagerly began reading;


This is a little gift, which I had a friend make for you; my friend specialises in the craft of healing jewellery and I therefore thought this gift very appropriate.

Ever since I treated you at St.Mungo’s I felt that though we healed your physical injuries, you had suffered a lot more mentally and emotional than you appeared.

I feel obliged to heal wherever I can help, therefore please where this ring not only to help heal yourself but also to settle my conscience. The clear centre gem of the ring is a Crystal quartz and will amplify the healing qualities of the two Emerald gems next to it. Emerald has been known as a gem to heighten love and metal clarity, it seemed suitable and would bode well with you’re eyes which I noticed sometimes turn a very vivid green. I hope you like it and wear it all the time. Have a very Merry Christmas.

Many kind regards,

              Your faithful friend

                                          Hope x

Saying that I felt overwhelmed seemed like an understatement; I was speechless as I shakily slipped the ring into a reasonably comfortable yet strange feeling place on the middle finger of my left hand. In the last six years of my life I had never felt myself worthy of anything except the abuse Master had inflicted. It wasn’t that I believed that I was the cause of Mistress’ death because I knew that wasn’t true, but I had been an unnecessary burden. Perhaps if I’d never been left on their doorstep, Mistress might never have become ill? Master successfully devalued my self-worth so much so that I believed him. So these gifts-even to have received gifts at all- didn’t seem real! Pinch me, I’m dreaming. Ouch, maybe not Robyn…

Professor M snapped me out of my scatter brained thoughts and feelings a moment later. “Robyn, Professor Dumbledory asked me to give you this…” I stare at the package. Afiuaoubvobofvljrbgo….the… Jesus man… gave me… A PRESENT! Oh mighty one… Robyn breathe! “and the ones from myself are under the tree, to reward all you for all your hard work so far; you’re an excellent student.” Don’t cry Robyn, don’t cry Robyn! DON’T CRY ROBYN. I breathe out deeply in an effort to control my sheer shock at the overwhelming thoughtfulness of these presents; my eyes had begun to dampen before I’d reeled in my emotions. Shucks, this is too much; they care. They seem to care about a homeless, worthless burden like me. It’s official; they’re all crazy.

Automatically, in the sense of not wanting to be rude, I accept the packages from Professor M, held them a moment before trying to give them back.

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