Jelly vs. Satan's Imp

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Much to my despair, I was closely watched for the rest of the evening despite my reassurances to both the teachers and Madam Pomfrey that I was fine; along side this, after being returned to Professor M's apartment I wasn't allowed to leave unaccompanied. And since I really wanted to be alone, to think and possibly find Harry, I decided I'd have to wait until Professor M was asleep to take my chances and sneak out. At around about 10pm, I took my opportunity; cloaking myself under the strongest invisibility charm I could muster up and very quietly left the apartment. Once again I was guided instinctually through the corridors, knots forming in my stomach at how many teachers, prefects and even ghosts were prowling the corridors. Narrowly avoiding a few close shaves, I followed a spur of the moment decision to take a detour to the kitchen; somehow feeling this was must do before going anywhere else.

Following the strange urge, I relied on my locket guiders; I had since begun to piece together which voice was which, having had the whole evening to properly think about it. One of the male voices seemed to prefer aiding my pranking endeavors or helping me whenever I was doing anything I shouldn't- usually followed by my eyes turning hazel, the second male seemed to be more cool headed and aided calming me in extremes of emotion- he'd been coaxing me out of my shock throughout the course of the evening when my eyes had maintained a cool sky/greying blue colour, the feathery female voice accompanied my most sincere of emotions, more particularly when Harry was involved- my eyes turned a bright, vivid green during these times, however the last and final female gave a consistent presence regardless of what I was doing- my eyes remained their usual dark brown and I had the absurd feeling that this last female might be my mother. Slightly scared by the feeling, I rejected it to prevent building myself up on false hope, even more shocking was that none of my four guardians interrupted my musings on what I had guessed of them.

Shaking away my thoughts, I focused on my direction and came to a stop in front of a painting of a bowl of fruit; tickling the pear until a handle appeared, I entered only to gasp as a large group of house-elves came scuttling forward. "What can we get for you, Miss?" Squeaked one of them. House-elves are so damn cute...I wonder if I could get a house-elf cuddly toy.

"Er, can I have everything need to make a jelly, please?" I smile shyly, surprised at my own request. My thoughts wandered idly as I made my jelly; I needed to talk to Harry, I wonder if he knew that Hagrid person was innocent? Or would he be going down to ask him? My gut instinct told me it would be the latter; I dropped my jelly tin as I suddenly looked up to find Dumbledory sat at the end of the counter I was currently working at. "Professor!" I gasp, worried that after receiving specific instructions to not be out bed after certain hours, I had now been caught doing just the opposite. I was at a lost of what to say.

"Good evening, Robyn," he spoke pleasantly. A nod was all I could manage in return. "What are you making?"

"Jelly," I choked and then coughed to recover. "I just about to start clearing away actually." But as I said this, another group of house-elves appeared and insisted on doing it for me, with reluctance I agreed. "What brings you down here Professor?"

"I like to indulge in a hot chocolate before bed, perhaps you would like to join me?" I'd barely finished my nod of surprise when two elves presented us each with our hot drinks.

"You're not mad?" I ask incredulously while blowing on my drink. Dumbledory raised his eyebrows, examining me over his drink and his half mood spectacles.

"I don't think so...however, I will urge that you operate with much more caution, and check the necessity of your reasons for such trips hereafter." Again, I felt as if being x-rayed and shifted uncomfortably at the feeling. At that moment, the timer dinged signaling the jelly had been in the fridge long enough, thanks to my altering the fridge temperature just enough to set the jelly; jumping up, I fetched my handiwork, retrieved a plate and then very carefully turned the tin upside down so the jelly within removed from the tin in the shape of the mould. I grinned at my success.

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