Chapter 14

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My whole body was hurting all over. I had felt like that ever since I woke up that morning. From waking up to no sight of Amelia, the realisation that the events of last night wasn't a dream and all the way up to my brief physical contact with Zayn. I was even in class sitting on the plush chairs and I was still feeling sore.

"I'll see you all in my next class and I expect the best during your presentation." Mr walker, the biology tutor walker around the class passing scripts from the last biology test.

"Well done Bianca. You have done it again!" His monotonous laughter rang across the room and I ducked my head a little from embarrassment.

It was one thing to be a smart kid and another to be called out every time. The rest of the class stared at me while some of them showed their dislike by hissing or groaning.

I started at the hundred score circled at the top right of her test script and gave myself a small tap on my shoulders.

"Class dismissed."

I swung my backpack on my shoulders as I got up from the chair. I headed in the direction of the golden library and made a mental note to find out what Camila was up to when I was done tutoring Zayn.

Taking deep breaths, I swiped my key card on the door knob and pushed the door open. It was just as I had imagined, tall shelves with a lot of looks, Large windows giving a clear view of the mountains and it was dimly lit in here. Just cozy enough to relax and read s book or two.

And there he was, sitting close to one of the windows , his head bobbing to the sides as he hummed a song. I observed him from a distance as his forehead creased and how he threw his head back in laughter.

As if he could sense a presence around him raised his head up briskly taking me by surprise. I stumbled a bit and cleared my throat.

"Newbie come over here!" He grinned toothily.

"I just got here." I said but it came off as rushed and I couldn't help but bite the inside of my mouth in embarrassment. "'re here early. Didn't expect that." I arranged my books on the table, ignoring the tingling sensation in my stomach.

"I can be a lot of things you don't expect." He smirked and returned his gaze to the book in front of him. Wait, what? Zayn was reading a book. So that's what he was so engaged in.

"What are you reading?"

"Colleen hoover. I love everyone of his books."

"I love him too." I found myself smiling.

He was totally my type. Handsome bibliophile.

The air suddenly felt so comfortable and I warmed up instantly. "Do you enjoy reading? Or is it just something you do to pass time."

"I write sometimes and reading exposes me to a lot of magic. I like to refer books to as portable magic."

I quaked in laughter. "Am I missing something here?" I pretended to look around. "Where is Zayn and what have you done to him?"

He closed the book and placed his hands on the table. "I love how I can literally create scenarios in my head and writing is the only way I can truly express myself."

"So you're serious?"

"I am serious. I could say a poem to you, right here and now! All you need to do is place a bet and we're on Anderson."

"Hmm even a poet too." I chuckled.

He smirked. "Like I said, I can be a lot of things you don't expect me to be."

I stared at him for a brief minute and placed my new journal in front of me. My father got it as gift for me the last time he travelled to Africa and this was the most valuable thing on me right now. I knew he was going to loose so I didn't think of this as a risky move.

"I'll give you this journal. It's new. Not a single stain on it."

I half expected him to laugh it out but he surprised me by nodding his head.

"I'll take it."

"And if I'm not impressed, you would send me food this night."

"I'm not going to ask why you want food but okay."

"And your time starts now!" I giggled excitedly.

"Brown skin, Dripping melanin" He started and I scrunched my eyebrows in amusement

"I can't believe
We are close knit
Two people
One voice
I could budge
But I have no choice
You came in like a tornado
Blew away all my fears
Turned into a halo
My angel here
I thought I wanted more
Thought it would be a bore
But I guess I thought wrong
Because I think I like you more."

I tried to open my mouth to speak but I just couldn't. I felt like my heart was beating too loud, enough for Zayn to hear it.

"Seeing your expressing I'm guessing you liked it." He raised my journal and sloped the pages. "I like it. Thank you for a great deal."

I studied his face. He didn't seemed dazed at all so why was I feeling this way.

"Come on newbie, don't tell me you're sad I won. Okay fine, I'll send food over to your hostel." He laughed and I said the dumbest thing next.

"You are beautiful."


BiancaNơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ