Chapter 11

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Everything about him pissed me off and I just couldn't understand what everyone saw in him that made them worship his every move.

He made his way up the stairs and I scoffed. Usually he would be heading towards the Top room but I heard that it was under some kind of maintenance so that left the elites no choice but to mingle with us 'commoners'.

"Hi Bianca!" Camila waved at me and I faked a smile. "I haven't seen you around in days. How and where have you been?"

"I've just been so busy with school work." I paused. "Camila can you do me a favor?" I transferred my files from my left hand to my right hand and pulled her to an empty classroom.

"I hope this is as urgent as you make it seem because if you haven't noticed we're in the inferior class and I don't want my friends finding out about this." She hissed and folded her arms across her chest.

If I thought she was such a diva before I was clearly mistaking because she was showing me a whole other side of herself that I wasn't used to and I was ready to play along with it just to help her sister.

"Don't remind me that we're here or I might just puke." I scoffed and she smirked. "About that I really do need your help in getting to the top tier." I whispered in her ears and her eyes twinkled in excitement.

"Congratulations to you."

"Help me get there."

"There are a lot of things you need to do. First off the list is you have to be" She gestured to my outfit and I chuckled nervously.

"What's wrong with my uniform?"

"Take a look at mine and tell me what makes it different from yours." She swirled.

"Your skirt is shorter, red tie..Hold on Camila isn't that like against the school rules."

"Exactly my point. We break rules and you know who breaks the rules? The bad guys."

"Ohhh." I drawled.

"Come on let's get out of here." She laughed as she dragged me out of the classroom. "You sure know how to make the right jokes."

I rolled my eyes but plastered a small smile on my face when I saw where we were heading to.

"Don't you think your friends will throw a fit when they see me there."

"Of course they would but it's something we have all been looking forward to." She said and I thought back to when Amelia told me her sister had reasons for talking to me. "As you already know the top room is under construction so I'm just going to take you to our other meeting spot."

"I thought you guys were going to be mingling with the rest of us until the construction was done."

"Of course not. We have three exclusive rooms so that's leaves us with two rooms since one room is under construction."

"Can anyone just go into these rooms or there has to be some type of passcode."

"We have passcodes and Identity cards."

I went still. "That's really cool." If I wanted to gain access to them, I had to be one of them.

We came to a black door and I locked my lips in anticipation. Camila brought out her card and swapped it on the door knob and pushed the door open as I walked behind her and just as I had expected, no one turned to look at us because they knew only members had access to the Identity cards and passcodes. And I knew she opted to use her card because she was still unsure about my loyalty.

I let my eyes access the interior of the room and it was pretty impressing. It made me wonder how the other room under construction would look like.

"Took you long enough Camila." A tall, blonde girl whispered as we both sat down on a sofa.

"They've got their teeth into our mistakes and they are not going to let it go unless we fix it." Connor who I had seen in my Ap chemistry class spoke up.

Camila went still. "What? Why?"

"The kings."

"And that are they saying?"

"Why don't you turn on the school news and see for yourself."

"I will." Camila crossed the room and turned on the TV and I mental count of everyone in the room and we were eight. Didn't these people have classes to get to?

The appearance of Zayn on the screen made my stomach churn and before I could grasp what he was talking about, Camila turned off the TV.

"What is he doing?!"

"Fixing our mess."

"Midge you mean he's fixing her mess."

"Calm down guys, I'm a preacher of love and not hate. Agreed Camila screwed things up but she's going to fix it." We all turned to the direction of the voice and I opened my mouth in astonishment.

The girl in front of me was beautiful and it was even more confusing because not only have I never seen her on the hallway or in classes, she was also the splitting image of Zayn.

Now that I think of it, I haven't seen half of the people in this room before.

"Zoey you're here." Midge laughed.

"And you are?" She pointed to me.

"She's Bianca." Connor answered and I turned to him. He knew me all this time.

"She wants to be a part of your group." Camila said.

"I want to be in the top tier not your pawn."

"Wow," Zoe said. "Not the response I was expecting but I run the top tier darling. If you were so interested you would have known."

"I'm interested. I might be new here but I want to know all there is to know about the top tier."

Zoe rolled her eyes and turned her attention to Camila. "Still, my brother could get the cops off your family's trail now if you can convince your father to sign the documents."

"Hell, no. Besides, I can't convince that man do anything that doesn't involve fraud."

"Did you tell her she'd have to stand in line?" Zoey pointed to me after a few minutes and I suddenly felt small.

"I didn't have to tell her. She'd assumed that it was given freely." Camila sighed and walked to the coffee machine while I sat ignoring Zoey's unwavering gaze.

I coughed and finally found my voice. "What do you want me to do?

"Get out." Zoey said calmly. "Don't make me repeat myself."

I opened my mouth to object but they went on and about their business so I walked out in shame.

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