Chapter 10

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Song for the chapter: Stitches by Shawn Mendes.


I cleared my throat and lowered my pitch. "No Amelia I won't give up on you. When I make a promise I stick to it." I held unto Amelia's hand but she shrugged my hands off.

"This isn't like your other schools Bianca." She cried into her palm. "The royals are after me and not even the school authority can help me. Not even my parents."

"But we can talk to someone." I suggested but she snickered. "We can right? The police? Anyone?"

"No one Bianca."


I felt someone poke my face and that was when I realized that I had been dreaming. I opened my eyes slowly and it took me a while to comprehend the face that Camila, Amelia's sister was standing in front of me, in my room. The same room that I shared with her sister and I could only smell trouble.

"Camila?" I asked in surprise. "What are you doing here? How did you get in here?"

"So many questions and I'm starting to believe that you don't like me enough to have me in your dorm room."

I shook my head. " It's just that I was a little startled."

Three knocks cane on the door and my eyes shot up in panic. I felt the two wires in my head knot up together and I groaned. If there was anything I wanted on a Saturday morning, it was peace of mind but Camila's presence wasn't giving off any good vibes.

Another round of knocks on the door sounded loud and clear pulling me out of my thoughts and that was when I noticed Camila on the other side of the room looking at the picture that I had seen the other day.

"Camila..please could you come over here for a minute." I said a bit harshly and she scratched her hair nervously like a thief who had just been caught in the act.

"Sorry I got a bit lost." She walked over to my reading chair and settled on it.

Groaning, I put on my plush white robe and slipped on my flip flops before getting up. With another grimace, I turned open the door and I saw the weird girl who always came to campaign for dorm mayoress.

"Good morning! You look elegant today Ms Bianca."

"Thank you.." I paused and placed my hands on my chin trying to remember her name.

"Cecilia." She completed and I sent her an apologetic look. "Don't forget the name next time. I'll be looking forward to your votes." She  chuckled before hopping away.

I shook my head before closing the door and returning my attention to the issue at hand.

"I wouldn't vote for her if I were you."

"Why?" I questioned.

"Just trust me." Camila typed away on her phone.

"Very descriptive I see." I mumbled and she shot up from the chair and walked to the door.

"See you around Bianca." She walked out.

I sighed in relief and fell down on my bed. A thousand questions were running through my mind and all I needed was answers. Camila came visiting unannounced, didn't stay for up to ten minutes, kept typing away on her phone and then she just left?

"What's up with this school and the weird people in it?" I asked aloud.

"I ask myself all the time." I heard someone reply and I got up from the bed immediately and my eyes locked with that of Amelia. When did she even get in here?

"A while ago but you were busy staring into space." She moved a little bit closer with an amused look on her face.


"You think aloud Bianca." She chuckled loudly and that was when I realized that I had asked the question aloud. She walked back to the corner of the room and I covered my face with my blanket as I closed my eyes so get more sleep.

"Who came in here?" She asked in a scary calm tone and my eyes shot open I felt like there were going to pop out of my eye sockets.

"Uh..what are you talking about?" My voice was higher pitched as I moved in direction of the bathroom.

"Don't play dumb with me Bianca. Did anyone come in here?!"

As if the universe was against me, I spotted a red flannel on Amelia's bed and I bit my lips in nervousness.

It was Camila's flannel.

"This." She waved the flannel. "This is what I'm talking about."

"Oh that's a very nice flannel." I scratched my nose nervously.

"It's my sister's flannel." She stared at me dead in the eyes. "Look Bianca I know we both share the room. I know it's not all mine but I'd respect it if you kept to your own space and I, to mine so that means you can have your little get together on your own space." She three the flannel and I caught it. "Nice catch."


"What did she want?"

"I don't know she just came in here and left after some minutes."

"Probably couldn't get what she wanted."

"And What could that be?"

"That's left for you to figure out."

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