Chapter 19 (Part 1) - #ThrowbackThursday

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  • مهداة إلى My Beloved Dichi...welcome back, sissy!

Sometimes we must be hurt in order to grow, fall in order to know, lose in order to gain.
And sometimes we have to be broken so we can be whole again.
- Silver Quotes

It was already Thursday – the third day since Quino’s fierce encounter with Robert. He went to the office last Tuesday morning in spite of the bluish swelling on his left jaw…in spite of Moira’s questioning stare and the employees’ curious glances at him.

But he hadn’t seen Robert yet. And Raffie wasn’t answering her phone whenever he tries to contact her.

He wondered why, but he chose to give her space since he knew what she was going through.

That afternoon, however, he knew the three of them would eventually see each other. They have a scheduled meeting in Forte for the finalization of plans for the students’ recital.

Although the situation may somehow be awkward, it was inevitable. They were all holding very important positions in the music school, and they will have to set aside their personal issues in order to achieve their goal for that term.

After all, they are professional people.

Quino arrived in Forte an hour earlier than the scheduled meeting. He wanted to take a rest first in the den he shared with Robert. He wanted to be prepared for the discussion that afternoon. While he was sitting down on the sofa, his eyes caught sight of a framed photo where he and Robert made funny faces while anchoring their arms to each other.

“A perfect Throwback Thursday,” he mumbled. It was during their high school days…towards the end of their sophomore year to be exact. They had just finished performing with their band and Lisa Lyn, his very supportive mother prompted them to do a comical pose for a photo souvenir of the event.

It was before they had a really big fight because of Sandi, the prettiest and smartest newcomer in school who became their classmate in junior year. Robert immediately courted her, but later on, when it became obvious that Sandi was head-over-heels attracted to Quino, he decided to stop pursuing her.

Robert and Quino agreed to focus on their academic and school-related concerns because they both belong to families which have very high expectations of their successful school performance.

But Sandi kept on doing all sorts of things just to be close to Quino. Things that seemed very irresistible for a typical teenage boy. So although he knew it would make Robert angry, he still asked Sandi to be his date for the prom.

And that same night, they were officially a couple, much to Robert’s chagrin.

In other words, Quino chose his relationship with Sandi over his friendship with Robert.

At first, Quino felt as if he was merely attracted because of Sandi’s temptingly appealing looks. She seemed very sophisticated and she was actually the type of girl who easily catches the attention of guys.

Eventually, he felt as if each day wasn’t complete without Sandi by his side, and he figured he was already in-love with her. So when she asked Quino to run off with her so she could escape from her dysfunctional family, he readily agreed despite Robert’s strong advice for him to stay out of such a trouble.

But then, to Quino’s puzzlement, it was during that elopement that he saw Sandi’s unusual treatment towards him. And after he brought her back to her parents she completely changed. Until one day, she just bluntly declared that she no longer love him.

Robert even tried to reach out to him after that. But Quino was not only aggressive then. He was full of pride.

In reality, he felt lost.

It was a tragic experience for him. He lost his good childhood friend Robert. Then he lost Sandi, the love of his life. And the saddest incident was that he lost his mother. 

Well, he went on with his life after that. But he became more cautious, more prudent, more guarded. He didn’t think he would see Robert again after they graduated in high school.

But after a few years, during one of the benefit concerts sponsored by his family’s company, he saw Robert conducting the orchestra.

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