☞ why i don't like new york {pt. 1}

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Sooo, I've been wanting to write this since the trip back in July, but I didn't have the time and now I should be writing updates to my three ongoing books but...

Writer's block and laziness don't make a good combo.

So let's tell a story, shall we?

Now, this is gonna be long, so strap yourselves in.

Now, this is gonna be long, so strap yourselves in

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A lot of you may know I got accepted into a college in New York, because... I sort of mentioned it in two of my books and I talk about it a lot. It's an art college, Pratt Institute, which is apparently the only college in New York with their own campus. Before I get into the school and stuff, let's talk about why I even applied.

Because ya girl is an introvert and degrades herself frequently, so it was very much out of my comfort zone.

Now, I'm from a shitty town in Florida, mkay, there isn't shit to do and the people are shit and the place itself is just shit, ya feel. Mainly because it's in Florida. And Florida is shit. So. Yeah.

Long story short, I fucking hate Florida.

Which you may also know if you've read anything I've ever written because I also talk about hating Florida a lot.

ANYWAYS (again).

I've been wanting to get out of Florida since my birth, we'll say, but my biggest goal is to get over to Europe and just travel. I just wanna travel but I'm broke so. But Pratt kept sending me a bunch of letters in the mail my senior year, you know, how colleges do to get people to apply. I got a lot of college letters, but to be honest, I never even wanted to go to college. It's sort of a thing I did out of fear that my life will go in a downwards spiral if I don't go, so...

After much of my mom's urging, I applied. She said with all the letters I got, I should apply to at least one, so I chose Pratt because it's an art school, has an awesome writing program, and it's New York which I previously was quite fond of. "Previously" as in until the trip came to visit, BUT WE'RE NOT THERE YET IN THE STORY.

I didn't think I'd get in because honestly, I made good grades in high school, but I didn't give a shit about school at the same time, ya feel. I'm really good at winging it in life. But, I also had to submit a portfolio, which scared the shit out of me because the only people I've shared actually stories with are... you guys. On the internet. That I don't personally know. That can't belittle me to my face and traumatize me into never writing again.

Where was I going?


I didn't think I'd get in.

For my portfolio, they wanted excerpts that showed different styles of writing, and so I included two "Fat" excerpts, and I think two from "The Inception" series because those two books are like the only ones I'm not ashamed of being on my profile, and sort of explained why I chose them I guess. Honestly, I think I did the entire fucking portfolio thing wrong because there aren't any obvious rules and Google tells you to "be yourself" so whAT DOES THAT EVEN MEAN.

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