☞ annoying main characters

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This could be a hella long rant, but I'm gonna try to keep it short and to the point. 

I'll use America (not the country) from The Selection series as my prime example because, honestly, if I had to pick a fictional character to dive off a cliff in a sea of ravenous sharks, I'd pick her. No, not the evil lady from Divergent or the psychopathic organization from The Maze Runner, or any other villain that's ever existed. I'd legit pick her. She'd be the first person to come to mind, and she's not even supposed to be a character to hate.

But listen.

I read three of the novels from the series, and could barely manage to finish the third. I haven't finished the series because I literally can't. I don't even remember hardly anything from any of the books because I was so pissed throughout all of them the entire time.

You ever have a book like that? It's frustrating as fuck. Like I wanna read because it's a decent plot but I just...

I just can't.

Actually the stereotypical white girl that can't even.

But America (again, not the country) is so self-centered and egotistical that nothing she says really makes sense, you know what I mean? Like she was supposed to marry this dude, but then she gets into this competition for the prince and she likes him, but she tells the prince not to talk to her because her heart is taken but thEN SHE GETS PISSED AT THE PRINCE FOR NOT TALKING TO HER LIKE THE FUCK??

Insert fitting meme here: 

You know, I get it's supposed to be how the plot thickens or whatever, but you can make the character annoying and tolerable

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You know, I get it's supposed to be how the plot thickens or whatever, but you can make the character annoying and tolerable. I'm not hating on the writer. She's actually a pretty good one. But this girl man... there's so many things I could rant about on her, and maybe I would if it hadn't been 2+ years since I've read the novel lmao.

My next example is Mare Barrow from the Red Queen series. Now, don't hate on me yet, I absolutely loved the first book. I was so excited for the second and I loved Mare's character, but then I got the second book, Glass Sword, and...

This hoe needed a reality check big time.

She was the epitome of an arrogant hypocrite, like she thought the entire revolution was about her, revolved around her. She had herself on a high pedestal that needed to be broke down for real. She treated my precious Cal like shit when he was the only one putting up with her problematic ass. The second book was so irritating, I don't remember half of what happened in it. I got the third book the other day and had to look up a summary.

It's all good now. Mare and I are on good terms again because she admitted she was a heartless bitch so. I mean, I still think Cal deserves better, but I can accept the ship again. #TeamCal .... Seriously don't understand how people can still ship Maven and Mare after all the abusive, ruthless shit Maven has done to her like... y'all dumb as hell but whatever, take pride in your problematic ship I guess. Tbh I don't give a fuck what you ship as long as you don't hate on mine.



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Y'all would know if my account was ever hacked because the hacker would never mention Harlena. An iconic couple. Fight me, you ain't gonna change my mind.

Sorry. This isn't a Harlena rant. Oops.

Anyways, moral of the story: dear authors, if you want to make a character annoying, do so in a way that won't piss the readers off to the point where they won't finish your book. I'm all for character development, but you have to make your audience want to tag along for the ride, not steer them away from it. 

What's the most annoying character to you guys? Could be from a show (cough Elena from TVD cough), could be from a book, could be from a movie... Idk, I just wanna make conversation.

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