✗ disclaimer ✗

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For all you folks out there who'd like to know what kind of mess you've clicked yourself into, here is a brief rundown of what horror awaits you:

What I'll Post:

-book reviews (if anyone actually cares)

-mostly rants (full of opinionated wrath and curse words: beware)

-short stories (either random ideas I've gotten or ones I've really liked)

-recommendations (maybe like movies or books or music or something--I don't know, I'm winging it as I go)

-random nonsense (sporadic thoughts of mine, like maybe I see a fluffy dog rolling around at the park and I feel the need to tell everyone about it or I had chicken tenders for lunch, which is vitally important information)

How It'll Work:

-I'm going to try to organize each section, so if you only care about the rants, you can go to the labeled "rant" part and see all there is right after. That way people aren't scavenging throughout every single part in this book to find one thing. If that makes any sense. Maybe it doesn't, but hopefully it will once it's visual and I get started.

-There won't be any set updating schedule. I may post four times in one day or twice in one month; it just depends on if I have anything to share or say.

What You Should Keep In Mind:

-Rants are my opinions, therefore you are allowed to disagree with me. However, please be civil about it if you are to comment. I don't need any hateful comments full of grammatical errors and petty insults--I'll delete it immediately, and potentially block you if you don't stop. I'm willing to participate in discussion, though, so don't be afraid to comment your own opinion on whatever subject it is I'm ranting about. I'm open-minded and willing to listen and get along as long as you are. There are no rules saying everyone has to agree on the same thing, and sometimes we need to accept that others won't change their mind and move on. 


That's not sarcasm, by the way. I'm very open to communicating with anyone who comments, and you're always welcome to private message me if you'd like. This book is not here to create enemies--it's here for my own entertainment purposes, and for anyone else who may need a laugh or a quick story to brighten their day. 

I'm not here to hurt feelings, rather I'm here to have my own way of venting because I'm not very good at opening up to people personally. We all need a safe place, and I'd like to have this one as my own. I'm open to anyone sharing whatever they'd like, though. If you want to comment your own rants, by all means go ahead. As long as it's not directly targeting anyone offensively or intentionally.

If you actually bothered to read all of this, well done! Have a virtual cookie: 🍪

I hope you enjoy this strange compilation book. Thank you for reading ツ

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