Start from the beginning

Not really.

24. Last play you saw?

Um, I haven't actually ever seen a play, but the last musical I watched on TV was The Sound of Music. 

25. Favorite color?

Purple or black.

26. Do you have any plans for tonight?

I'm going to vanquish my enemies- wait, no, my mom said that I can't. I may or may not watch Alladin with my mom, but if that doesn't work out, I'll just read up in my room until I get tired enough to sleep.

27. Who is the last person you texted?

My sister. :3

28. Next trip you're going to take?

I have no idea.

29. Have you ever gone to camp?

I went to a two-week long theatre camp (and we did James & the Giant Peach at the end) once when I was ten and then when I was eleven I went to a one-day homeschool camp. But I've never been to a stay-away camp.

30. Where you an honor-roll student in school?


31. What do you want to know about your future?

If I die alone or not. XD I want to be prepared even though I know it's probably going to be the former.

32. Wearing any perfume or cologne?


33. Are you due sometime this year for a doctor's appointment?

Yeah, I'm probably going to go sometime around my birthday because it's been forever since I've had a checkup.

34. Where is your best friend?

My heavenly best friend (Jesus) is up in Heaven chillin' with God right now, or so I like to think. I don't know where my earthly best friend is, though. 

35. How is your best friend?

Jesus is perfect. My earthly best friend is tired and kinda grouchy, but I don't blame her.

36. Do you have a tan?

Kinda. I haven't been outside much this summer.

37. What are you listening to right now?

Plant Life by Owl City. 

38. Do you collect anything?

The hearts of my enem-*cough cough*  I don't collect anything in particular except for maybe books or movies.

39. Last time you drove out of town?

Earlier today. And then we drove right back. We don't usually go grocery shopping in our town because the store here is expensive. 

40. Who is the biggest gossiper you know?

I have no idea I don't really hang out around those sorts of people.

41. Last time you got stopped by a police officer or pulled over? 

I pulled over so my mom could take the wheel once last week.

42. Have you ever drank soda from a straw?

Nooooooo. That's like, the worse possible thing anyone could ever do.

43. What does your last text say?


44.Do you like hot sauce?

I like hot sauce on stuff like hot-wings. 

45. Last time you showered? 


46. Do you need to do the laundry?


47. What is your heritage?

Definitely English, Cherokee, maybe some Scottish, and, oh, yeah, German. Wouldn't be surprised if I had some Jewish or Irish, because I LOVE potatoes. 

48. Are you someone's best friend?

I hope so, but the likelihood of it is very low.

49. Are you rich?


50. What were you doing at 12 a.m.?

I was hiding the bod- *coughs againg* I was closing my book and going to bed.

Anyone who wants to do this tag may do so. :D 

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