Chapter 25

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The next morning, Jellal had awoken with a smile on his face and his heart pounding.

"I can't wait to be with her."

He continuously thought this as he got ready.

He wore the best outfit he thought was right.

White pants, black boots, a black shirt and his white cape.

He took a look in the mirror. Not to seem too cocky of himself, but he thought he did have some nice attire. Especially today's.

He fixed his hair a little and went out the door of his room.

as he stepped out, he had tried his best to keep from the smile showing. But, Cana had other plans.

She slid up behind him and tapped his shoulder.

He jumped, not expecting the brunette to show up.

"Hey Jellal~ what's that smile for?" She smirked.

"I, uh, um..." he turned away from her, "none of your concern."

"Oh, well, Jellal, you don't have to tell me because I already know. And everything is my concern." She walked in front of him, squinted her eyes and put her finger against his chest,
"And don't just turn away from someone when they're speaking with you, it's rude."

He looked at her.

"How do you know what it is?"

She laughed.

"Really? You're honestly gonna ask me that? Jellal, I know everything."

"Pssh." He turned from her again.

"Jellal is gonna go on a date with Erza, Jellal is gonna go on a date w-"

He spun around and cupped her mouth shut.

"Shh! Not everyone needs to know. Besides, it's not even a real date it's just... I want her to know about me.. again."

Cana pushed his hand off her mouth.

"Again, rude. And, it's a date to you. Whether she knows it or not you believe you're going on a date with her."

He blushed and looked away.

"Y'know... we could chit chat a little bit if you want and I could maybe give ya some pointers and tips." She shrugged with a little smile.

"No, thank you, I'm fine." he spoke as he started his way down the stairs.

"Good luck then." She leaned over and watched the bluenette make his move.

He was well aware that Cana was watching him as he made his way down the stairs.

He caught a glimpse of the beautiful woman he made plans with as soon as he turned off the stairs. He took a deep breathe and ran his hand through his hair.

"Just breathe..."  He told himself.

She sat along with Lucy and Levy. The two had heard the plans with Jellal and Erza and decided to not to infer with their plans until a little later, just so they can hear everything that happened between the two once they finish.

The trio of Lucy, Levy and Freed were getting very close to finishing what they had started with the amulet. They had planned to ask some others if they would help- but who?

They had considered multiple people:

Mirajane. She had lots of power to give, but she had work to do at the Guild, they understood that.

Gajeel. He wasn't much of a team worker, but, if Levy could coax the steel head into helping he'd be a great help.

Natsu.. well, everyone knew the consequences of him helping. The flame-wielding moron would either not help and eat the whole time, or give off too much magic power and probably burn the damn apartment down.. there's also another possibility that he could give off just enough power and listen and probably help to finishing this problem. Either way, it'd be risking with the son of Igneel helping.

But they'd work on that list later...

"Erza! Are you excited to go with Jellal today?" Asked Levy excitedly.

"Oh, I'm not thinking much of it. How did you two figure out I was going anyway? I don't remember telling anyone."

Lucy smiled, "We heard from Cana."

"Ah, I see." Erza moved the hair out of her face, "I'm really just worried we aren't out too long so I don't have another pain attack."

Lucy and Levy froze and looked at eachother.

"Pain attack...?" Lucy slowly asked.

"Oh, yes. My body seems to have very bad pains come to me. Usually later in the afternoon or night. Neither of you or Freed are usually here when it happens, which is quite odd.." replied Erza

"Late afternoon or night you say.." Lucy bit her lip, "could you take a rough guess when it starts and stops?"

Erza looked up. "Maybe starts around roughly at six? And ends around eleven. Sometimes it lasts longer, though."

Levy and Lucy glanced at eachother again. They both understood what is going on, but they couldn't just tell anyone yet. Especially Erza.

"Well.. I hope you have a good time with Jellal today. And I have a very good feeling it won't happen while you're out with him." Levy smiled small. Deep down, she felt horrible. She never wanted to put her friend though pain, and not knowing this was going on until now? That put her heart in even more pain. But she knew it was the right thing to do. They came too far to quit and she knew Erza would be greatful if they finish and fix everything that is going on. She knew Lucy felt the same when she saw the gaze in her eyes as her friend looked in her lap.

"Are you two doing well?" Erza had noticed the silence of her friends.

They both shot up, "No no no no, we're fine, fine fine, very well Erza!"
Levy spoke.

"Yep! Nothing to worry about! Don't worry about us!" Lucy responded right after.

They both smiled at the red head.

"Well, alright." She smiled back.

Levy looked up, "I think you have someone making your way towards you, Erza." She smiled and pointed behind her.

Jella had made his way towards them, "Hello, ladies."

Levy and Lucy nodded hello. Erza simply looked up, "Good morning."

"Good morning, Erza."

"I assume it's time for us to leave." Spoke Lucy as she stood, "good bye. Have a good time you two. Let's go Levy."

Levy waved and the two walked off.

"Would you like to head off now?" Jellal smiled gently towards her.

"I'd be happy to." Erza stood, "what do you have planned, may I ask?" She brushed off her clothes when she stood.

"Well.. I was hoping maybe a walk around town and see where that takes us."

She nodded, "Well. Lead the way."

They walked out the guild doors with everyone watching behind them.

[Look, a update. Wow. Rare.]

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