Chapter 9, Part 2 - Sin

Start from the beginning

I held my breath and closed my eyes, dipping my head under the clear water and letting it wash through my greasy blonde hair.

I bobbed back up and floated on my back for a few moments, looking up into the sky again, when I heard the crack of a stick.

I immediately looked around me, feeling too vulnerable being alone and naked in a foreign land.

I saw a figure stopped at the tree line in the darkness and squinted to confirm my suspicions that it was Leonardo.

He began to turn around, suspecting that he had gone unnoticed. "Leonardo," I called, not loud enough for my voice to travel far, but enough for him to hear.

He stilled.

"Come back," I said.

Slowly, he began to turn around and come towards the lake. He stopped at the edge of the water and watched on as I swam nearer.

I deliberately stepped far enough out of the water so that he could see the swell of my breasts before the water covered the remaining tantalising flesh and smiled inwardly as I caught his eyes linger in the area for a considerable length of time.

"Join me," I coaxed.

He disguised his smirk well, and quickly stripped out of his clothes. "Look away," he said as he started to remove his trousers. "You might take advantage of me."

I obeyed him, for the pure fact that I could hardly contain myself at the sight of his beautiful torso, and anything below the belt might just have sent me over the edge. Nevertheless, I glared at him before I turned away my face.

Soon, I heard the water rippling at his feet and I turned around to catch the blindingly perfect image of his naked back and buttocks before they disappeared under the water. I resisted the urge to wolf-whistle. My outburst earlier on was enough embarrassment for one day.

We silently and slowly circled the small lake for a long while, before he finally broke the quiet.

"So, where's Captain Kelly then?"

I gritted my teeth and resisted the temptation of retorting in anger. "He's being fixed up by the locals," I responded.

"I suppose you'll be back in his bed as soon as he's better then?" he said coldly from the other side of the lake.

My eye twitched. Why were men so dull? "Perhaps. Why? Are you jealous, Leo?"

He let out a single grunt of laughter. "Jealous? Of him? People as sexy as me don't get jealous."

He was cocky as usual, but I knew for a fact that he was lying and also disguising his anger.

"And yet here we are," I reminded him, smiling smugly as I knew I had caught him out.

He swam closer to me and all of the perfect angles and curves of his face were highlighted in the glare of the moon. He was like Michelangelo's lost sculpture come to life.

His eyes darkened and he moved quickly, putting his hands on my hips and drew them in to meet his. "I'm not jealous of him, ragazza stupida! I'm pissed off that you fucked him just to get back at me!"

I bit my lip nervously.

"So now I'll teach you a lesson."

I gasped as he ground his hips into me, his hardness pressed against me. He grabbed onto my naked arse and covered my lips with his fervently.

I closed my eyes, knowing that I had wanted him to do this for what seemed like forever. I matched his hungry kisses and tangled my fingers in his wet hair, desperate not to let him go until I'd had my fill.

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