Chapter Seven

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Third person P.O.V

They arrived to the party as Wilson parked the car and opened the door for Hazel. As she stepped out he held her hand in his showing her off as they walked pass lunas ,pack memebers ,and alphas from different packs ,she looked at the familiar place likes she's been here before ,she didn't questioned it and left it alone.

They made their way threw the croud as they reach the kitchen ,it looked alittle familiar but different , her mate pulled her towards a group of alphas and lunas as hazel talked to the group of lunas ,wilson went to go find his friend. Hazel laughed and heard stories from the other lunas as they introduced her to their alphas ,while they all chatted away hazel started to feel bothered about something as she was about to turn around her mate called out.

"Hazel i want you to meet my friend Vector"

Her eyes widen in suprised as she turned around looking at her ex alpha ,his eye were widen at her beauty as he went to shake her hand she stepped back looking at vector with black eyes.

"Hi hazel is been a while"

"Hi "

Her mate looked confused at why she was angry and had her hands folded to her chest, as he was about to tell her something a girl pushed her way threw with dark hair and black eyes ,hazel already knew who she was kelsy ofcourse.

"Well well if it isn't miss runaway "

Hazel heard wilson growl lowly as he looked at vector who was smiling down at kelsy.

"Kelsy keep your mouth shut before i push my whole hand down you trough and pull your spine out " her eyes started to turn dark as she looked at kelsy.

Before kelsy could say anything hazel pushed past kelsy and vector walking straight out the front door.

"Hazel wait "

Her mate called behind her as he reached her with vector and kelsy coming along.

"Wilson the keys "

"Whats wrong baby girl talk to me "

She growled in anger as vector looked at her ,she couldn't hold it anymore and told wilson.

"Your buddy here " she said pointing a finger at him."was the alpha who regeted me when i was pregnant and that bitch is the one he had an affer with ,their i told you now give me the keys or all walk home"

Hazel heard him growl as he had vector up againts the USV. He thigthen his grip around his neck.

"You bastar how could you do that to her !"

"S-she wasn't worth it "

Does word made hazel have flashbacks as a tear rolled down her cheek. Wilson let go off vector and kicked him in the stomach as he growled , he grabbed hazels hand and took her to the car after her he got in and drove off vector pack house. Hazel laid her head against the window not saying anything the whole ride ,she was once again afraid.

She couldn't belive that her mates friend was vector , she was afraid to see him again that was her worst nightmare come true it was awful and she didn't like the fact that she had to leave the party because of vector.

Sorry the chapter is a little short ,i have a small headache but i will make sure to write more on the next chaptee ,intal next time

***wolph 💜

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