Scattered Memories

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"It wasn't like i wasn't used to it. I have been isolated everywhere I go be it school or at the orphanage. I just didn't know what to do till I finally meet you."

My name is Rosemarrie and I'm 16 years old. I am currently living in an orphanage because both my parents died after I was born. And today I am starting my second year in high school. I am living in Lansing, Michigan. The town I was leaving in was very peaceful and not many fights broke out. It was already 6:30 in the morning and I was going to be late so, I got my lazy ass off my bed and walked myself to school.

I walked in to the school which was an antique-looking building with vines growing all over. I just wanted the first day of school to be over so I walked up to the black billboard to locate my name and classroom. I found out that I was in classroom 6, so i hurried to class so I wouldn't be late, and found an empty chair in the back an sat down.

When I finally sat down and had my belongings in order, I started to hear all the gossip being spread around.

"Don't look her in the eye she's a demon child, I heard both her parents died after she was born." said a tall girl with dyed red hair and way to much make-up on her face.

"You're so right look at that hair and eyes right away it tells you it a demons child." said the short little girl next to her with blond hair so light you can tell she dyed it recently.

My eye's are unique and for the most part do look like demon eyes. My eye's are red, purple, silver, and blue. When I was born till this day they change depending whats going to happen. I can't control how my eyes look but not like telling them would change there opinion to I just kept my mouth shut.

The homeroom teacher finally walks in and tells everyone to shut up. The class grows silent until three beautiful people walk into the room. We had three new transfer students into my class two guys and one girl. Then the teacher introduced them to the class, "These are your new class mates they just moved here from Netherland, be polite to them and help them out if they need help. There names are James, Eric, and Alissa."

James was tall(around 6 feet) and strong. He was very well build and had an amazing body, just by looking at him you could tell he had a 6 pack. But his eyes were amazing, they were this electrifying blue, they looked cold but captivating, it took your breath away. He also had this jet black hair that was straight and reached down to his neck.

Now Eric was this tall(around 5'11) and elegant teen, he had a body just as amazing as James but he looked delicate, as if you were to hit him, he would break. He had a pair of such delicate looking purple eyes. When the light hit it you just couldn't look away, it was mesmerizing. And his hair was this beautiful shade of dirty blond, it was shaggy and reached the bottom of his neck, you could tell it was a bed head and he just wet it down but man did he look sexy.

And lastly there was Alissa, she was build like a french doll. Her hair was up to her shoulders filled with perfect curls, and her hair was a beautiful shade of amber. She wasn't very tall I would say she was about 5'2. She had a pale looking body with cheeks like little roses, but it just added to the image of the french doll. And finally her eyes were this type of pale green, it was beautiful how they were taking all the information around them, but still manged to stay beautiful. All three of them were captivating.

The teacher continued " Is there any seats available?" and there were all around me. "Go find a sit somewhere but I think it would be best if you didn't sit next to Rosemarrie, she's a little demon." Then the one called Eric with such a beautiful voice said " Which one is Rosemarrie?" I didn't want to be hated again, so I picked up my little table and moved it to a corner. And I finally said " Over there is where I sat, but now you don't need to worry about sitting next to me. And teacher I'll be leaving early today." As I get up to leave, the three new transfer students sit down....

I arrive home to find out that the orphanage is being closed down, and changed into a beach house! I go up to the owner of the orphanage and ask whats going on to here, and she says "your the only child that hasn't been adopted yet" with that being said she gets in a car and leaves.

Now that I'm homeless, and have no place to call my own I go to my secret place, my happy place. "The Secret Garden" it was a wonderful place, it looked like an England castle, it was covered in vines and had trees growing all around. It was beautiful to me. There's the place where my one and only friend was, an owl named Roger. As I walk in I see that the place was recently bought. I just stood there in shock, I couldn't believe they sold "The Secret Garden."

Finally it came to me, *where was Roger?* I start to scream " Roger are you here? If you are come out lets go somewhere else to stay I'll protect you, I promise." As soon as I finish my sentence I see figures in the shadow, there were eight animals coming out I was terrified until I noticed one of them was Roger. And for the first time to my amazement Roger spoke " Hello there Rosemarrie." His voice was so captivating, I couldn't reply. He continued " These seven other animals including myself makes eight, will from now on be under your command. We are your guardians." I was in shock but accepted much faster then most would for some odd reason. " Will you guys stay with me forever?" I said, I just didn't want to be all alone again. Roger once again spoke in that captivating voice, that left you melting inside, and said " Of course my dear we will stand by you till the end of time itself. " He was this Snowy owl. He was a majestic creature. And he had these silver eyes, that at one moment were so sweet and in the next they looked like daggers. " I will now introduce you to your guardians. The white tiger is called Hitoribochi." He was enormous compared to a normal tiger and had, to my surprise blue eyes." The black cat is called Nightmare." The black cat was beautiful, she had these beautiful golden eyes. "The low-leveled angel is called Kiki" I was wondering why it was called a *low-leveled angel* until I saw that it had two tails! She looked like a small fox, with these little red eyes. "The the black rabbit is called Shadow" She was adorable! She was so small and fluffy, and her eyes were this deep black. "The crow is called Raven." She scared me a little at first but, you could tell she was sweet. I loved the way how her eyes looked they were this odd shade of pink. "The dog with the -limiter- is called Cerberus" I was wondering what he means by -limiter-, but I think it would be best to wait till he finished speaking before I asked anything. He looked like a Golden Retriever. He looked loyal, like any dog would, and his eyes were this forest green, and for some reason they just fit. "And finally the white cat is called Haku." He looked like the type that sleeps a lot, but in important moments he was very helpful. He was a baby white cat, with these beautiful gray eyes. Roger continued, "Nightmare, Kiki, Shadow, and Raven are female, and Hitoribochi, Cerberus, Haku and myself are male." " We are in this form to keep are powers a secret but we all have human forms." " We also know about all the tattoo-limiters in your body" I was in shock when he said that no one knew about it, but he did. " And so from this day on we shall always be with you."

Then some teens came out from the front gate while I was standing there in awe, I knew who they were...

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