61: Cold Draft

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Cover painting by Angela Taratuta. Chapter artwork of Storm by Marina Gimenes Matiazi. All graphics by me. 

Book 1: The Green, Book 2: Lynch's Boys, Book 3: The Road Home, and the Riders & Kickers Anthology are available on Amazon under the name Regina Shelley. So if you hate waiting for chapter posts and/or want a more polished read, the finished product is available now.

Storm was staring very hard at Captain Scarcliff's map. He found that doing so gave him something to look at other than Fiona's face. Looking at her face now, with Scarcliff and Many Stars in the room, would have been disastrous. Although I'm lying to myself if I honestly think Many Stars and the rest of the scouts haven't figured it out. These days, when he met her gaze, it was becoming harder and harder to break it. She infuriated and intoxicated him, just as she always had. But now, knowing the smell of her hair up close and the feel of her curves under his hands, her presence was a kind of exquisite, unbearable torture. He could barely look at her face without imagining kissing her, or how her silken lips felt at the hollow of his throat, or the softness of her body pressed against his. The worst part about all of it was he could not stop thinking about what would have happened if he hadn't come to his senses when he did. He knew he had to stop mentally torturing himself. He had to stop. And that was the problem. He knew he couldn't.

For her part, though, she was doing an excellent job of ignoring him as both of them stood with the scouts and Scarcliff around Scarcliff's map and the forgotten tea service. In fact, there seemed to be an icy wind coming from her direction. A killing cold and driving sleet.

He supposed that made it a little easier to ignore her. For the moment, at least. Even though it didn't make it sting any less.

Scarcliff was talking, explaining what Fiona had told him. "She says she thinks this farm here...the Ferguson place..." He tapped his finger at a spot on the map. "...is going to be the next target. I believe her."

Storm looked quizzically at Fiona, in spite of his determination not to. Catching himself, he jerked his eyes back to where Scarcliff's finger marked the spot representing the farm.

Fiona spoke up. "These attacks are meant to provoke outrage," she said. "These are all prominent families that will attract the most attention. Someone's trying to deliberately cause unrest."

Storm glanced over the other points on the map that had already been targeted. "Looking at it with that in mind, it makes sense."

Many Stars scratched his head and nodded slowly. "We wouldn't have known that."

"Nor would anyone not familiar with who these people are," Scarcliff said. "I'm sure enough that she's right, I want to put some men out there."

"That homestead is close to the Express route," Storm said. "I know that area."

"I'd like you and Many Stars to accompany us," Scarcliff said, looking up at him."

He kept his eyes stubbornly on the map, avoiding Fiona and inwardly cringing as he felt her eyes suddenly boring into him. Dev and Lynch are here to look after her, and after what just happened, I need to distance myself. Collins has already put the idea out that we're together. I have to get out of here for a bit while things cool off. "Yes, sir," he said, nodding. "I agree."

Scarcliff was looking at him. "Fine. You and Many Stars be ready to go with a detachment in the morning. Wounded and Bad Medicine are leaving shortly to accompany Lieutenant Collins' detachment on a general sweep of the area."

"Mr. Peltier," Fiona said, her voice cutting into him like a blade. "I'm not sure that's wise, injured as you are."

"I'm well enough to ride, he dismissively. He glanced at her and gave her a tight, brief smile he didn't feel. "I'm fine, Miss Lewis-Smythe. Thank you for your concern. It's a short trip and I can ride."

He saw a flush of color flare in her cheeks and he looked away as she shook her head.

"But Mr. Pelt..."

"Captain," he said, stepping on her words and feeling the regret hit him, hard and sharp. "If I might request a scout's uniform so I don't get mistaken for the wrong side..."

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