Chance of a Lifetime

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~Opportunity only knocks once~


A black sedan pulled up to a normal, but busy hospital in Los Angeles, California. Two men stepped out of the car taking off their sunglasses and entered the hospital. They silently rode the elevator holding their folders.

The men looked so imposing; they freaked out the people riding the elevator with them. They got out on the fourth floor which held the ICU. They walked up to the check-in desk. A surly-looking nurse on a computer looked up at them with an uninterested look. She had way too much to do to be worrying about these mysterious-looking men.

"May we speak with Dr. Warner, please?" Major Davis, a dark-haired man, asked a nurse working at the front desk.

"Yes, one moment please," the nurse replied monotonously as she dialed the number to Katelyn's pager.

Katelyn Warner was an average looking woman, about five foot six. She was a healthy-looking slim woman with long, dark brown hair and gray eyes the equivalent of a stormy night.

Katelyn was checking on a patient in one of the ICU rooms when her pager went off. She looked at it and sighed.

"Nurse, give this man his insulin shot and get a lab tech in here to take some blood, please. I've written down the tests I want the tech to run."

The nurse nodded and Katelyn said thanks as she walked out of the room rushing to the nurse's station. She noticed the military men but didn't think anything about it.

"You paged me?" Katelyn asked the nurse.

"Yes, these men would like to talk to you," the nurse said gesturing to Major Davis and the other officer. She gave Katelyn an annoyed look like Katelyn knew what they were there for.

Katelyn, in her dark blue scrubs, tennis shoes, lab coat, and a stethoscope around her neck, looked at the military men suspiciously. She wondered if it had to do with her father.

Katelyn's father was in the military and they moved around a lot when she was a kid. Katelyn had always told herself she would never have anything to do with the military. She hated the lifestyle. If she ever had kids she didn't want to put them through the same things her father had put her and her mother through. She hadn't talked to her father in ten years but feared the worst. It had to be something bad for officers to come to her personally.

"Can I help you, Major?" Katelyn asked as she walked up to them.

"My name is Major Paul Davis. We would like to speak to private please," Major Davis said looking around at the busy room. Katelyn nodded, said something to the nurse, and escorted the officers to the roof.

All was silent in the elevator. Katelyn didn't try to make small talk and neither did Major Davis. When the elevator stopped at the top floor, Katelyn led the two men out of the door, sticking a rock against it to keep it open. She took in a deep breath of the sixty-degree weather. It was nice, despite being mid-January.

"This is a nice place to talk. No one comes up here," Katelyn explained. Major Davis nodded glancing at the other officer with him.

Major Davis was a good-looking man in his thirties. He had dark black hair and brown eyes. He was only a few inches taller than Katelyn. He was a nice enough man, Katelyn thought.

"Dr. Warner, what I am about to tell is top-secret to the highest degree and in order for me to continue, I need you to sign an NDA," Major Davis began.

Hearing that made Katelyn very wary of the officers, but they had also piqued her interest. What was the harm?

"Okay, where's the NDA?" Katelyn asked.

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