The poet and the princess

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"Every snowflake's different, but still I find myself saying that you're the most unique and beautiful one I've ever laid my eyes on.
You're probably thinking why I would refer you to a snowflake. I admit: it's not really theme-like, since it's summer. But it's because when I met you, you were so, so cold. And when I kissed you for the first time, you melted under my touch, you said by yourself."

"You're being silly, ty."

"Why do you think that, Joshua?"

The blue haired boy slaps Tyler's chest softly with the paws of Tyler's- his sweater (recently stolen, but not found yet, according to Joshua).

"Because you're being poetic again."

"But you love it, you said yourself," Tyler teases. "You fell for it." Joshua blushes and smiles. "Well, I guess you're right."

Tyler bents down to the small boy to kiss his nose. "You wanna go to the park?"

"That would make me very happy."


The two boys are laying lazily under a big apple tree. It's where they first met.

"Kinda cliché, huh? Hanging out at the place we met," Tyler speaks up, fiddling with a pen.

"Mhm," Josh humms and nods. "But don't all poets love that cliché stuff?"

Tyler shakes his head and laughs. "If you say so, princess."

"Don't call me princess."

"Why not?" Tyler whines. "You are my princess. I saved you from the bad dragons in your castle, on my white donkey!"

"Okay, fine," Joshua giggles.

They enjoy the quiet that blooms over them, as if the falling pink petals of the blossomed apple tree took quiet with them, embracing them with warmth in a summer evening. Tyler scribbled something in his notebook.

Josh noticed and smiled. "What are you writing?" he asks curiously.

Tyler breathed deeply. Reading his poems to someone always has been something that bothered him, scared him even, but Joshua was helping him with getting some confidence.

He cleared his throat.

"Quiet can be violent, but silence with him, always seems to be a pleasure.
I find the violent silence make place for embraces of sunshine,
Which says I am being cliché for calling him so,
But when my sunshine keeps shining like he does,
I can't stop describing him so.
The pain that ever rested in his and my heart, seemed to be taken away
Because my sunshine, sees the sun shine in every dark, rainy cloud
It- he gives me faith."

{A/N i suck at writing poems haha}

Tyler smiles. "I began with a subject, but I got distracted."

Joshua is touched, even though it wasn't Tyler's best poem, and even though it wasn't the poem Tyler read to Josh to ask him to be his boyfriend. He really appreciates Tyler and he loves Tyler a lot. He is so, so proud of him, that he had the courage to read his poem to him.

"I love you," Joshua blurts out. Tyler looks at him and smiles. "I love you too, Joshie."

Joshua snuggles closer to Tyler, it is beginning to get chilly, more petals begin to fall, and get blown away, to the lake they are nearby. They whisper things softly in their own language, filling the whole sky with words, they assume would be kind.

"You know, I never had a French kiss," Joshua speaks up.

"I thought you had a girlfriend before you met me," Tyler says in a questioning tone.

"Yeah. We kissed, but we never shared a French kiss and the relationship never felt real-real. It was a real relationship, but I didn't think I would be spending my whole life with her. I wanted to get a French kiss from someone very special, because a French kiss isn't a normal kiss. It's a very special kind of kiss, you only share with a person who's very special to you. And then, later, I met you, and I thought: 'this is the person I want to get my first French kiss from.'"

Tyler smiles, spilling tears he didn't notice that were there.

"C-can I-"

"Please, Tyler."

And so, Tyler and Joshua share their first French kiss, just like Joshua imagined how the perfect French kiss would be. Under the apple-blossom tree, in a summer with small, kind voices in the sky.


A/N welp, at least i tried. this is actually also a teaser for the story, because this story isn't only fluff, it also has a plot :)
this book is going to be my pride, oh golly

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