Summer Games (bonus chapter)

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     Zen walked into the base and he hears over the speaker "Welcome to the summer games! Please find your summer skins and enjoy the day. Be sure to bring your medals for the victory photo!" Zen was startled then smiled "time to get out my basketball outfit" he said as he floated to his room in the base. He puts on a basketball Jersey and some shorts. A bunch of tiny basketballs float around his head. "Now I'm ready to roll" Zen says as he walks out his room and goes to the lounging area in illios. He lays down on a beach chair thing next to sombra who is trying to tan. Zen looks around and sees 76 is working on a bbq while reaper is bike riding everywhere, annoying everyone. Genji walks up to Zen in his summer games skin "hello, zenny" he says. Zen sits up and sees genji, "o-oh, h-hello genji. Nice s-summer games skin" was all he could say. Zen was a kinda scared because genji had white armor and had red glowing areas. Genji chuckled, "thanks, master" he said as he sat in the seat next to Zen. "I like your skin also. I think Pharah is playing basketball right now, so you could hand out with her later" genji said.
"M-maybe.. Pharah tends to cheat and fly her way to make a basket so I might not.."
"True... Have you seen everyone's latest skins? 76 is a living dad joke and reaper has "edge" on his pants which really says everything about him. Sombra and widow might get a tan and mccree is... He is a lifeguard for some reason."
"Wow, those sound cool. I wish I had an actual summer games skin"
"You will soon, master"
"I hope so.. Say, where is Lucio?"
"Look at the news" genji says as he turns on a tv that was on the wall for some reason. Lucio was playing Lucio ball with other lucio's
"Oh! They brought back his favorite game" Zen said
"Yep, and he hasn't stopped for over 6 hours. He won 7 games and lost only 2. I wish we all had our own games like Lucio does"
"Well, junkrat has a Halloween thing with Road hog, reaper, and mercy. Mei has Christmas and lunar new year I think. And we all have the anniversary event. "
"That is true."
"Anyways. Speaking of junkrat, where is he?"
"Oh right, he got a new skin also. He plays cricket. I think he is playing it with Road hog right now"
"Cool.. What do you wanna do right now?"
"Idk.. Wanna mess with reaper?"
"Heck yeah" Zen says as he stands up. They both get up and go to where reaper was biking in circles. They both yell "tor-til-la" at the top of their lungs and run. Reaper chases after them and yells at them "IT'S TOR-TI-YA! *ANGRY SPANISH SOUNDS*" Zen and genji escape, enjoy a bbq that 76 made, and watch a live game of Lucio ball. After that was done, Zen lays down in bed with genji and they both sleep for a new summer game day tomorrow.

(Hello! I wanted to add this chapter because I love the summer games update a lot mainly because it is my first event in my overwatch game. Tbh, I really wanna get 76 and sombra's skin really bad so I keep trying to get lootboxes as much as possible. Anyways, hoped you enjoyed this chapter!)

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