He talked about his roommates Jun and Minghao, who were soon to be idols. They would be departing to Korea soon, but he says it's no worry. He talked about his studies and that he's improved in his dancing. He's also been studying Korean and that he aspires to be like his roommates one day.

'But how can you pay rent by yourself?' Hayoon asks Sicheng worriedly.

'I'm not. I moved to Korea a week ago and I'm living with eight new people now.' He laughs as the latter widens her eyes at such a number.

'Is the apartment big enough for all nine of you?' She asks with an eyebrow raised in curiosity.

'It feels a little cramped at times, but it fits all of us relatively well.' He explains, to which Hayoon just nods.

They just talked about anything and everything. To Hayoon's dancing and Sicheng coming to Korea. They laughed like they had never even separated.

'It's getting dark. Let's go eat dinner somewhere.' Sicheng suggests, smiling at his best friend.

'Yeah, i know this great ramen place that we could stop by at. Come on.' She took his hand in hers, and dragged him to the restaurant that wasn't that far away.

Sicheng felt a bit flustered at the sudden gesture, but went along with it anyways. He enjoyed the moment he was experiencing with Hayoon right now, it made him happy.

Hayoon's feet followed her to the restaurant, and stepped inside. Heat immediately took over her body, the temperature so much more different from the cold night.

Sicheng felt much better in the heat, and the smell of food filled his nose. He felt the urge to eat and he tugged Hayoon to the front desk.

'Table for two please.' Hayoon spoke, as she knew Sicheng wasn't fluent, but was working on it.

What was a gesture of kindness for her adored best friend, was something Sicheng's heartbeat raced at. It was like his heart was running a marathon. He felt like he couldn't control his emotions in her presence and he didn't like it.

Sicheng wasn't paying attention, so when faintly heard his name being called, a sudden force pulled him to a table. He snapped out of his thoughts, and looked to see Hayoon smiling widely at him as she handed him a menu.

'Thanks.' Sicheng says awkwardly to Hayoon.

'It's no problem.' She laughs a little as she looks through her menu, Sicheng admiring her.


'Geez, I'm so full.' Sicheng groans as he and Hayoon step out of the restaurant.

'Same.' She replies.

'It's getting late... should I head home?' Sicheng asks, not wanting to separate at all from his best friend.

'You probably should, as much as I want you to stay.' Hayoon replies.

Sicheng's heart fluttered for the nth time that day, and he smiles before saying that he would stay with her. They didn't want to separate, not now, not ever. It's been so long, and they just wanted to have one full day with each other.

'Let's go sleep at my apartment. I have a spare bed.' Sicheng follows Hayoon to her apartment building, and smiles at her apartment.

'You have a nice apartment.' He compliments.

'Thanks.' Hayoon replies, a flashback of Yugyeom stating the same over two months ago in her mind.

She stood there for a while, looking at nothing. Sicheng looked at her in confusion, and waved his hand in front of her face. Hayoon had many thoughts running through her head about Yugyeom, and how to confront now that she's seen everything.

Her life felt so complicated right now. She just didn't what to do with her damn feelings.

'Hayoon.' The boy repeated loudly, finally capturing Hayoon's attention.

'Oh, um, yeah?' She asked in return, Sicheng jokingly face palming himself.

'You were spacing out, idiot.' Sicheng stated, switching languages.

'O-Oh, sorry...' She laughed sheepishly and tugged a strand of hair behind her ear.

Hayoon handed him the clothes that Yugyeom wore and said that he could sleep in the guest room, like Yugyeom was supposed to do. She recalled the memories of that fateful night, and smiled happily to herself. But that smile soon dispersed as she thought of Yugyeom with someone that he loved.

That girl didn't even love him back.

It made her angry that he was wasting his time on someone that didn't deserve him. Not that Hayoon thought she deserved him either.

'Hayoon?' Sicheng asks as he steps out of her guest room, the clothes on his body.

'Yeah?' She replies, looking up.

'Thanks.' Hayoon suddenly remembered the words that Yugyeom told her that day.


'Here, take these,' I threw him the clothes, which he caught. 'I'll be in my room changing.' I close the closet door and walk to the door.

Before I can leave, Yugyeom's soft voice prevents me from leaving.


'No problem, I hope the bed is comfortable for you.'


'Uh, you're welcome. Goodnight, Sicheng.' She smiles softly at him, to which Sicheng became fond of.

He then closed the door, leaving Hayoon alone to think about Yugyeom, Sicheng, and everything that's happened. Her life has changed in such short amount of period with six new people and her childhood best friend reuniting with her.

She doesn't even know if her life has changed for the better, or the worse.


A/N : sorry for such the long chapter lmao. Anyways, I've come up a storyline for my new story so I hope all of you will enjoy it when it comes out.

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