41. coffee date?

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The very next day, Riley was woken by her phone vibrating her whole side table into oblivion until she finally stopped the mini earthquake to attend to the person on the other side of the phone call.


"Riley, good to hear that you're awake. Now listen, we need to update you on what happened last night since you completely went MIA the whole time. Meet up for coffee?" Stiles asked, looking left from right before driving on down the road towards Riley's house.

Riley shifted her body and sat up in her bed, rubbing her eyes as she yawned loudly.

"Yeah, okay. I've got stuff to tell you guys as well. Text you later." She replied, and pressed on the red button on the screen. She shuffled out of her bed, made the sheets look nice and walked over to her bathroom to have a shower. While getting ready to go in, she put her music on shuffle and turned it up on full volume, wanting to get the most out of her good as music. She was proud of her taste, which varied from classical to rock, but she was glad that she had that type of flexibility. Once inside, she followed along to the lyrics while she washed her hair and skin. Before she knew it, it was time to hop out of the hot and steamy shower and into the dry and cold air in her room. God, once she entered her shower, she never wanted to leave.

Her towel was wrapped around her head and another around her body when she dried her feet and put some slippers on, not wanting to get her soles dirty but also to keep them warm. She turned her music down, grabbed her phone and walked out, almost screaming at the sight of Stiles standing at her dresser with an old photo in his hand.

"Stiles, what are you doing here?" She shrieked, clutching onto her towel harder. Stiles ignored her, looking at the photo intensely and then pointing at it.

"Is that Emma?" He asked, finally looking up at her and freezing as he realized that she totally could have just walked out naked. "Oh, shit."

"Stiles, couldn't you wait outside?" She asked angrily, putting her phone down on her desk next to the bathroom door.

"I knocked like, a million times and no one answered, so I let myself in! I just assumed you went back to sleep so I came up here to wake you up!" He argued, setting the photo down and awkwardly shoving his hands in his pockets.

"Well, I'm obviously not sleeping, am I? Stiles, either turn around or wait outside." Riley responded, gesturing to her bedroom door. He perked slightly, glancing at the door, then at the corner behind him.

"Turn around? Alright." He shrugged, and before Riley could protest, telling him that she was only joking, he whipped around and covered his face with his hands as he shuffled into the corner.

"Stiles- whatever." She rolled her eyes, walking over to her dresser and returning the picture back against her mirror. She admired it, a warm feeling coming over her as a ghost of a smile traveled across her face. She opened her first drawer, grabbing some underwear and travelling to her closet, grabbing some jeans and a sweater before walking back to her bathroom. She shut the door, locked it, then dried off the loose droplets and tugged her clothes on.

After blow drying her hair and brushing her teeth (and also throwing some makeup on), she walked out and found Stiles laying on the middle of her bed, admiring the same picture he was looking at before.

"This is her family, isn't it? They looked so happy together. What happened to them?" He asked, not looking up at the girl. Flashbacks hit Riley again, pain and ache washing over her as she watched the scene of Emma cradling her son over and over again in a split second.

"Werewolves. That's what happened. Are we going now?"


By the time the two teens had left the old house of Beacon Hills perched on the hill in the centre of town, it was around lunch time and neither have had breakfast yet. They both sat in a cafe near the school, sipping on their coffees and eating their 'late breakfast' which really was just their lunch.

"The whole ordeal was insane. We were all running around the forest chasing that coyote that actually turned out to be the girl, Malia, that we've been tracking down these past few weeks. God, sometimes I don't even know what's happening anymore. I mean, it was a crazy night. But I think Scott's okay now; he was the one who transformed Malia back into a girl, even though he couldn't control his turning. I still can't freaking read though. God, I feel like I'm losing my mind." Stiles filled Riley in on the events happening the night before while Kira's mother, who by the way is a Kitsune, summoned Emma out using electricity. She couldn't wait to top his night. "Oh yeah, and the forest was littered with animals traps by Malia's father, Mr. Tate, because he thought that the coyote was the one who scavenged on his family's bodies when their car crashed all those years ago. But I think he's okay now, he's got Malia."

"You want to know why I was MIA last night? I think you're going to freak out." She said, completely disregarding his story all together. Accidentally, of course. Stiles took a bite out of his toasted sandwich and nodded, watching Riley's fingers tapping on her mug of steaming coffee. "You can't tell anyone that this happened, okay? If anyone asks where I was last night, just say I was sick or something. But anyway, so someone knocked on my door at night and it was some old lady that I didn't know. Turns out, it was Kira's mother, Yoshiko. Apparently she knew my ancestor, Emma, and was surprised to know that Emma was actually a part of me. You want to know how she knew Emma? She said that she's a kitsune, which is japanese for fox. She's basically a fox spirit who's lived for hundreds of years. Isn't that insane?" Riley paused and snacked on her eggs and bacon, as Stiles watched her eagerly.

"What happened next?" He asked urgently, finishing up on the crusts of his food. She swallowed her food and washed it down with some more coffee, before continuing her story.

"Well, I invited her in and we had some tea. She offered to bring Emma out using electric impulses. I don't remember any of it, but when I came to she told me all about it in full detail. Emma did come out, but not in her form. She apparently talked through me, but I was unconscious. They talked about some stuff, and the reason why Yoshiko had returned to Beacon Hills. Apparently there's something here. She called it a nogitsune; which is dark kitsune. A mischief lover; someone who thrives on the pain of others. She warned me that it could possess anyone, but she didn't know who. She has no idea why it's back, but somehow, she had this feeling. She also told me something about Japanese demons, but I was a bit out of it at that point, since she did electrocute me into unconsciousness. She told Emma to conceal herself if she ever came across these demons, since they could mistake her as a spirit and try to do something bad. I wasn't sure if she said to not be afraid, or to actually be afraid of them." She explained. "But if Emma needed to conceal herself, then I'm sure they would be something bad."

"Well, we both definitely had wild experiences last night." Stiles mumbled, finishing off his mug before wiping his mouth on his sleeve. He looked up with the slightest blush and said, "it's a shame that we didn't share them."

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