5. ice

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If Riley was in Isaac's shoes, she would definitely call him for moral support. Dr. Deaton had suggested to hypnotise Isaac into remembering where he found Erica and Boyd. By hypnotism, he meant to dunk Isaac in an ice bath until his heart rate got low enough to be able to kill him.

Riley leaned on the door frame of the cat room with a stern expression while Deaton talked to Isaac about the experience. Derek and Scott were filling up a makeshift bath full of ice.

"Obviously it's not going to be particularly comfortable. But if we can slow your heart rate down enough, you'll slip into a trance like state." Deaton explained, and Isaac scratched his nose in confusion. They walked over to the bath and stared at it. Just looking at it made Riley cold.

"Like being hypnotized." Isaac replied, and Deaton nodded.

"Exactly. You'll be half transformed. It will let us access your subconscious mind."

Riley chewed on her nails in angst as she watched Isaac lean down and examine icy water.

"How slow does his heart rate have to be?" Scott asked.

"Very slow." He replied, which made Riley on edge.

"Wouldn't that kill him?" She asked, and Deaton pursed his lips. "How slow is very slow?"

"Nearly dead." He replied to her. Riley felt dizzy. Isaac touched the surface of the water and his reflex kicked in as he pulled it back.

"It's safe though, right?" He asked, and Riley pretty much knew what the answer was going to be to that.

"Do you want me to answer honestly?" Deaton asked, and Isaac slightly shook his head in worry. Everyone turned to the rubber sounding noise as Stiles slapped on a fairly large glove and smiled at it contently.

"What?" He asked, staring back at all of the annoyed expressions. He must have been used to that expression by now. He reluctantly pulled it off and joined the others next to the bath.

"Look, if it feels too risky, you don't have to do this." Derek muttered, leaning on the bath as he stared at the boy. He got back up and took a deep breath before taking his sweater and shirt off. He looked at the bath in deep regret as he carefully stepped inside, shakes already overcoming him. He breathed heavily as he leaned back in the water. Riley looked at him with deep concern.

He gripped onto the sides of the bath as Derek and Scott put their hands on his shoulders. They nodded to Deaton, who gave a look of approval, then they pushed him under the water.

Riley watched in horror as Isaac struggled under the water. He came back up with fangs and glowing eyes as he growled in anger.

"Get him back under." Deaton instructed, standing as he watched Stiles join in. He gripped his leg and looked at Riley expectantly, but when she didn't move, he yelled at her.

"Would you please help me rather than just standing there?"

She forced her eyes to look away as she dropped to her knees next to the bath and gripped onto his thigh and pushed it down under the icy water. Her fingers felt numb after being in there for a few seconds; she could only imagine how Isaac felt. He kept struggling and coming back up, until one last dunk sent him motionless. Everyone slowly let go as he drifted to the surface, thankfully for Riley, still breathing.

"Now remember, only I talk to him. Too many voices will confuse him and draw him out." Deaton whispered, looking at everyone sternly. Riley nodded, leaning on the bath as she stared at Isaac's blue lips. That didn't look very good, did it? "Isaac, can you hear me?"

"Yes. I can hear you." Isaac said, his eyes still closed as his teeth chattered.

"This is Dr. Deaton. I'd like to ask you a few questions, is that all right?"

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