32. roof

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Isaac sat in Derek's car with Riley in the passenger seat. They had a plan, and Riley hoped to God that it worked. They were going to distract the Alphas, turn on the power, and also get Peter, Stiles and Cora out of there. It sounded pretty hard, but Isaac and Riley had the easy part. Allison set up her phone so it was pointed to the hall, and she video chatted Isaac so he could see the twins coming through. When he saw them, they would drive to the basement garage and get the Hales and Stiles, then wait for Scott there.

"Isaac, I'm a bit nervous. Do you think this will work?" She asked, and Isaac shrugged.

"Let's hope so."

Five minutes passed, and Isaac and Riley saw Allison running down the hall wearing Ms. Blake's heels, giving off the impression that she was her. They saw the twins bolting after her, so Isaac turned the car on and drove around the building to the back. They arrived at the ambulance and the two got out.

"Come on let's go, let's go!" Isaac shouted, as Peter carried Cora into the car and Stiles got out as well. He suddenly paused at the door while everyone helped Cora inside, and he stared at a consent form that had the words 'Parent or Guardian' written on the bottom where they were supposed to sign. "Stiles, let's go!"

He stood for a second, before glancing at Riley and running off towards the building.

"Fuck." Riley mumbled under her breath, before she ran after him, despite the calls from Isaac. She couldn't let Stiles die; she knew how defenseless he was, so she could at least give him some sort of protection by being there. She raced after him, almost bumping into him as he stopped in front of the open elevator, where Derek was lying unconscious in. He looked at the door from where Scott went inside, then back at Derek, before opting to chase after Scott.

"Scott, wait!" He yelled out, and Scott went up the stairs and onto the roof.

"Stiles, stop!" Riley caught up to him and gripped on his arm, forcing him to stop and look at her.

"Riley, I need to tell him something, what is it?" He asked, urgency in his voice.

"Stiles, you could have died coming in here, or at least gotten injured. What were you thinking?" She asked, and he shrugged her off.

"I'm not as weak as everyone thinks I am." He mumbled, and looked at her in pain. "I thought that you were different, but I guess not."

He turned and ran up the stairs two at a time, and pulled the door open. Riley closed her eyes and breathed out, realizing that what she said hurt his feelings. But how did she know that he thought he was weak? Riley didn't think that, it's just because everyone else has these defenses, and he doesn't. It's not that he's weak, it's just that everyone around him is powerful.

She got onto the damp roof and looked at Scott, who was standing with Deaucalion.

"Scott, please." Stiles said quietly, but he knew that Scott heard him.

  "I'm gonna find your dad. I promise." Scott replied, and he turned around and walked away with Deaucalion off of the roof.

"Scott!" Stiles desperately called out, but they were long gone. Riley walked over to Stiles, and put her hand on his shoulder.

"He knows what he's doing. Don't worry about him." She said optimistically, but Stiles remained hurt.

"We should get Derek." He muttered, and turned towards the door. Riley gripped onto his shoulder tighter and spun him around.

"Stiles, look at me." She stated, and his eyes slowly made their way up to her face. She offered a small smile as her other hand clasped his cheek. "He'll be okay. Your dad and his mum will be okay as well. We'll find them. We'll find them together."

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