Unexpected Turn

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Slowly Wayo opening his eyes, his head was still blurring from faintness. Finally he regains his consciousness and tries to get up but as his body still not recover from shock, he lying back on his bed. "Little Master, you finally awake! Aunt A-Gun brings some water here." Wayo head turn to left side and see Maidao and May who rushing to aid him. With both of his servant help, Wayo finally can sit in his bed. "How long I'm fainted?" Wayo asks his servants.

"Little Master, you has fainted for 3 hour, Master Kit and Nate brings you back here. Dr. Ming also has come here to see your condition. He is currently in the kitchen to cook your medicine." May give Wayo explanation as Maidao gently rub Wayo hand. "Little Master, what happen to you. We are about to cry when seeing you in this condition. Moreover, we are not there to helping you because Empress Servant was giving gifts to you so we heading back to our place. When we want to bring you back, Lady Kit was carrying you in his back." Maidao eyes were starting glistering.

"I'm fine, just seeing something that inauspicious. So where is Lady Kit and Nate?" A-Gun come to his bed with cup of water and she give it to Wayo. Wayo drank it like he didn't drink it for a long time. "Noble Lady Kit and Lady Nate just going back to their palace before you gain consciousness my Lady. They will come here tomorrow." A-Gun answered Wayo question. Wayo nodded his head. After he sit for a time, Wayo ask them to leave him because he want to go back to sleep. Maidao and May try to ask Wayo what Wayo seeing that make him fainted but Wayo keep his mouth tight. He didn't want to make others scared. As he lying on his bed, his mind was full with accident that happens on the well. 'Who was killing her? What she did in her life until she died in horrible way.' There are so many questions that flock in his mind. Wayo know is starting from this night, his sleep will not gone smoothly.

At Empress Palace

Empress was reading some document regarding Harem expenses from previous month when Eunuch Jiang come to greet her. "Your Highness, something bad has happen in Imperial Garden" Empress closed the report and look to her servant anxiously: "What happen now, Eunuch Jiang. Speak now!" she demanded. "Someone death in the well. When we bring the body up, she was Fuzi." Empress suddenly gets up from his chair and coming close to Eunuch Jiang. "What did you say, Fuzi is dead. She just turns to 14 years old this month. How can she die in the well? This is outrageous. Two weeks ago I gifted her to Consort Pring as reward for Consort Pring. Did you ask Consort Pring?"

"Your Highness, I'm want to inform you first before go to Consort Pring palace." Eunuch Jiang can see his Master anger. "Go to her palace now; try asking her if she knows about Fuzi. After you asking her, if you have the opportunity, ask her servant also. I will not tolerate with this wanton atrocities!" "Your Servant knows that, I take my leave first." Eunuch Jiang heading out to Consort Pring palace.

Empress closed her eyes and breathes slowly. As an Empress, she should calm and reserved but when she thinks about Consort Pring behavior, she will lose her temper. Although her status was much higher, Consort Pring always ridicules her. She just a weak woman, even the Emperor favor more to Consort Pring and her late sister. She loves the Emperor more than she loves herself but what about the Emperor? Is the Emperor love her much as he love her died sister. Whatever it is, Empress will love Emperor until she died.

Consort Pring Palace

Consort Pring was sitting in her hall; one of his servants was rub her hand with jade roller foiled with gold flower holder. Another servant was washing her feet with hot water, from her looks, she was enjoying the activities. It's a rare day that she enjoys the peacefulness in Harem. As one of the higher ranking Consort, everything must be perfect.

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