Jealousy Began

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Kit and Wayo walking together after selection was finally end. As they slowly walking, Wayo sighed: "Those who want to stay isn't choose but those who didn't want to stay must leave their home for palace. Kit, I don't want to be an Emperor concubine actually." Kit gave Wayo weakly smile. "My little Wayo, God has prepared our fate since before we live in our mother's womb. He must prepare your path when you born in this world. So, we must accept wholeheartly this decision. Plusmore you, me and Nate also was chosen to enter the palace. Three of us can take care each other when we live in the palace right?"

Wayo finally nodded his head and make a promise in his heart: 'I hope with this path, I can protect my family from danger eventhough I will perished when doing that.' Both of them finally arrived at Gate of Felicity where their carriages waiting them to bring them home.

Hall of Mental Cultivation

Emperor Phana still reading the report from War Department regarding instability in North-West frontier. Burmese Kingdom was try to invade that area since 30 years ago, claiming that area was under Burmese sovereignty but peoples who lives there since foundation of the Ayyuthaya Kingdom paying their allegiance to Phana government. Consequently, war has been waging between two powerful Kingdoms. This time, Phana must make sure that no soil under his reign falls to enemy.

Phana attention shiftly changes from frontier to Harem selection this morning or more specifically, one man who will enter his Harem. His face especially his eyes resemblance a person who Phana gave his heart truthfully. He knows that person is no longer more but suddenly appearance one of his candidate shocking his heart.

"Your Majesty, Empress want to see you." His thought was shattered with Eunuch Sun voice. Phana give his order to allowed Empress to see him. After that, Empress enters the hall and greets the Emperor: "Greeting to my Emperor, congratulation because Your Majesty gain another beauty." Phana chuckled and says: "Empress, why you say like that hmm?" Empress gave Phana brightful smiles: "Because I'm hearing that Your Majesty was satisfied with today selection."

"It's just some of them who I can consider as beauty." Empress nodded her head and continues to say: "But for me, Your Majesty happiness seeing them is always my priority. I also hear that son of Chiang Mai governor have an elegance style and son of forth rank officer have eyes of former Empress..." Empress voice slowly stopped when Emperor look at her.

"It's only eyes that resemble, not entirely his face." Phana gave Empress a smile. "Although it's an eye resemblance, surely Your Majesty captivated when him look to Your Majesty." Phana's smiling is getting bigger when he remembers Wayo face and his eyes.

Wayo House

"Are we still didn't arrive yet Maidao?" Wayo asked his servant who walks beside his carriage. "We just arrived Little Master, looks so many people infront Master house." Wayo open the curtain that closed front his carriage. Truth is, many people standing aside his house waiting him and some of them playing firecrackers and music. His carriage slowly stopped at front door. Neighbors around his house leading by Wayo's father and his family members quickly kneeled when Wayo step down from carriage. "Greeting Little Master Wayo, congratulation to you for your success to enter the Harem."

Wayo who could not control his emotion when seeing his family members kneeled infront of him rushing forward and try to helped his father and mother get up: "Why must do you this, I'm your son." "Little Master, you cannot deny this, it's a tradition that we must followed. Hope Little Master understands this tradition." Wayo father try to give explanation. Wayo hurriedly ask them to get up and bring his family inside their home.

When they enter living room, Wayo quickly kneeled and this action makes Wayo parents shocked: "I'm unfilial son, cannot take care his parents forever..." Wayo parents try to help him to get up but Wayo continues to say: "Father and Mother, please let me served you until the day I enter the Harem. If both of you declined, I will kneeled here forever." That words make Wayo mother crying's hard but both of them consented with Wayo permission. "I know you are filial son, I should not ask you more Wayo." His father give him a warmly hug.

Two days later, Wayo asked his servant to bring Nate to their house. Since both of them enter the Harem, Wayo was eager to bring his new friend to his home. Moreover, Nate didn't have anyone who can take care her since she came from Narathiwat, a place far from Bangkok.

"I'm gratefully having Wayo here; I don't know this place too much. So, with Wayo here, I'm not being lonely anymore." Nate words give Wayo some comfort because he don't know if Nate happy to live with him here. They chatting together to know more about both personalities until Maidao come because one of Royal Eunuch was here to seeing both of them.

"With Emperor Word, I bestow Wayo Prasawat a seventh rank lady. Lady Wayo will enter the Harem on 15 September. That's all." After hearing the decree, Wayo family members kneeled as a symbolled of thanks for the Emperor. Royal Eunuch then read another decree, this one for Nate: "With Emperor Word, I bestow Nate Niran a eighth rank lady. Lady Nate will enter the Harem on 15 September. That's all."

"Both of ladies will enter the palace in same day together with Noble Lady Kit. Since Lady Wayo and Lady Nate live together, so I just sent this Aunt Phailin for teaching you about palace etiquette." Wayo and Nate quickly bow to Phailin as gesture of respect. "Both ladies has a very good etiquette, I'm deeply respect both of you. Phailin with stay with you until time btoh of you arrived in palace." Said Royal Eunuch

"Nate, Kit is a Noble Lady and enters the palace on the same dates with us; three of us will take each other right?" Nate also agrees with Wayo words. She hopes that their friendships will last forever.

Palace of Earthly Honour

Consort Pring was sitting in her couch reading report about Harem expenses, one of her servant was massaging her feet. One lame eunuch name Zhou come to greet her: "Your Highness, eunuch from Imperial Household Department was coming to see you." Pring just make humming sound as a signal. Eunuch Zhou invited another eunuch from Imperial Household Department to see Consort Pring.

"Your Highness, Empress was instructs me to send list of palaces that will become new residents for new concubines. Please Your Highness checks it." Consort Pring says: "You read it for me, I will listen." That eunuch agreed and says it loud. At first, Consort Pring listens to the arrangement until Wayo name and his palace was announced: "Lady Wayo will reside in Palace of Bearing Heaven...." His words were halted by Consort Pring voice. "Lady Wayo, is this special man that stop the argument between candidates in the selection?"

"Yes, Your Highness." That eunuch said more: "Your Highness, Palace of Bearing Heaven was a magnificent palace. Besides its nearer to Hall of Mental Cultivation." Consort Pring says: "This arrangement was ordered by Emperor or decided by Empress alone?" a jealousy mood was surrounding Pring. "No Your Highness, Empress is making decision about this arrangement."

"Huh, try to tackle with Emperor with this arrangement. She is old and useless. So she wants to prepare the youngsters to back her with pretend to please the Emperor. What an old foxy woman. Is there any palaces that I can put this Lady Wayo hmm...?"

"Sure there is Your Highness. Palace of Broken Jade is quite far but it is clean. But, that palace was clouded in bad omen. Noble Lady Phueng has miscarriage and becoming insane." Eunuch from Imperial Household Department gives his opinion.

"Not only that, that unlucky palace also once becomes stage hall. No wonder that Emperor give it to concubine who he didn't like." Eunuch Zhou tries to make Consort Pring mood sourer. "Hmmm...Unlucky place but I think if not because miscarriage that Noble Lady Phueng was lived there. Let Lady Wayo reside there, maybe he can pregnant with Your Majesty child as Noble Lady Phueng." Pring sarcastically give her final word.

P/S: Another chapter for my beloved readers, the hatred was begun and it will continues. I hope my readers is satisfied with this chapter. As usual, please comment, and vote ok...:)

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