Chapter 3

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I woke up in a pissed off mood. There are two kinds of pissed off: the mild kind, which you can hide, and the kind that everyone knows you're pissed off and they want to stay the hell away because they know their faces can be ripped off. I was the second kind of pissed off. For the sake of irony, I decided to wear my Angry Beavers shirt. At least for my dad, that's an obvious sign. He could probably tell by my face too.

"Is it the detention?" he asked.

I glared at him, "It's the whole world! I did it a favor yesterday and this is how I get repaid! I hate people so much!"

"Warren's a people," he muttered.

"Don't even go there," I said menacingly, "You really do not want to mess with me today."

He laughed and slapped me on the back, "Come on now it was a joke! Lighten up, kiddo. Have fun."

I sighed and made myself a bowl of cereal. I knew he was right, so it was hard to be mad at him. "Look just 'cause I'm not mad at you anymore doesn't mean the others are so lucky. I'm still pissed off."

He smiled, "Okay. I have to go to work now, but have a great day today I'll see you later. Don't forget that tomorrow it's just you and I; we got some professional beating to watch."

That actually made me smile and my mood lightened as I gave him a big hug goodbye. I finished eating and went back to my room. I brushed my hair and looked at myself in the mirror. I had never been the type of girl who thought of herself as pretty. I thought I looked average, I knew I wasn't ugly at least, and I guess I was all right considering the incident when I first met Warren. The guys who I had rejected locked me in a shed and I had ended up cracking two ribs. So I guess to some people I was attractive. I stared at myself in the mirror a little longer, then grabbed my stuff and boarded to school, pissed off mood nearly gone.

School brought it all back. Teenagers are the stupidest people in the world. I could feel the irritation boiling up inside of me.

"Hey there," a deep voice said and touched my butt.

"Hell no!" I snarled and turned around and slapped whoever the bastard was in the face as hard as I could. You could hear the slap clearly and people fell silent.

Warren looked shocked, the left side of his face was bright red. "Ow!!" he cried and held his face, "Jeez Kris what was that for?"

Okay now I felt bad. I looked around at everyone and glared, "What are you all staring at?" They immediately went back to talking and I looked back to poor Warren. "You are such a pervert! How did you expect me to react when I couldn't tell it was you?"

"I didn't think you'd hit me like that," he complained, "You're such a bully."

"Look I'm sorry. I'm in a really bad mood right now and maybe I over reacted. Let's go to the nurse and get you an icepack."

"Will you kiss it and make it better?" I shot him a death look and he smirked, "It was a joke lighten up. I'm just glad you didn't kick me in my manhood again; with the force you slapped me with, I'd say that I would've died from the pain."

I rolled my eyes and headed off to the nurse with him following me just like a puppy; like on the first day we met. When I thought he was the biggest jerk in the whole world and I was being punished for something I did. I tried to be nice to him and we actually started acting like we knew each other well by the end of first period; I guess it was a bit strange for most people but looking back now I had fun.

The nurse gave Warren an icepack and we walked to class in near silence, which made me feel guilty.

"I'm sorry Warren," I sighed.

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