Chapter 8. Where he holds her captive!

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Arshiya Sharma watched her father step out of his car and took a step towards Vihaan Malhotra, his expression as stoic and serious as always and, held out his hand for a purely business greeting.

Arshiya couldn't see the expression on Vihaan's face as he shook her father's hand because his back was facing her but, since he had assured her... her mind reeled back to their prior conversation, where she would neither acknowledge that she was distressed and was barely able to form words with her shaking voice...


"I-I don't understand."

Vihaan sighed as he took a seat on the leather sofa, aligned against the wooden platform in the middle of the café.

"To be honest, I was expecting your father to show up with the file."

Crossing his legs and leaning back against the sofa in a dominating manner, he continued.

"Shukla Gupta has to resign from his post due to some unavoidable circumstances and I was hoping for a worthy replacement."

Vihaan Malhotra stretched his hand towards the empty chair in front of him in a silent order and she shook her head signaling she was fine. His eyes narrowed at the rejection but he didn't pursue the matter further and resumed speaking.

"That's where your father comes in."

"But he won't agree to such a dishonest venture."

Arshiya argued instantaneously for her father's honor and, his grey eyes sparked with something inhumane.

"I know," Vihaan chuckled as his mysterious eyes bore into her. "But don't I have you as my hostage?"


..nor would she acknowledge that she was once again unable to form words and had thanked the Almighty silently when he had shifted their conversation to her father once again.

Arshiya leaned against the glass window in concern as she watched her father's face contort with anger and it was at this moment, Vihaan took a step aside and her eyes clashed with her father. They were full of distress and she watched his lips form her name almost immediately.


She pointed at herself and make a cute 'Ok' gesture. It was so heart melting that Rakesh Sharma felt all of the weight on his shoulders disappear.

But the fluttering link was cut when Vihaan took a meaningful step in front of her father and gestured towards the tall skyscraper on the opposite side of the road.

Arshiya felt her stomach knot together when she saw her father took a step back in.. shock? fright?

What's going on? She watched her father being taken away by two of the bodyguards and rushed out of the door frantically to catch up with him but bumped straight into someone.

"Arshiya?" Vihaan sensed her unease and held onto her arms. "What happened?"

"N-Nothing." She stuttered out a lie. "I just want to talk to Papa once."

Vihaan sighed as he looked over his shoulder and watched them enter The Towers. "You can't. You are not an authorized personnel."


"Dhruv. Take her home."

"But I-I don't want-"

"Dhruv." He addressed his subordinate impatiently, ignoring the displeased glare thrown his way.

Claimed With Love.(Winning Her Heart Series, Book#1)Wo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt