Chapter 2. Where he cares for her.

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Nakul's voice snapped him into reality and before their eyes could meet, he turned to face his cousin, giving her his back.

This ended her concentration and her right foot twisted up, causing her balance to slip from beneath her feet and she hissed as she landed directly on her injured ankle.


Everyone still on their positions at her pained squeak and they gasped at the sight of her locked position, struggling to sit up.

"Arshi, Oh my god....." Her aunt, Shivani and the other girls of the class were quick to rush to her aid and they together helped her disentangle her locked legs.

Shivani looked at the swollen ankle with a contorted expression and looked up at Vani.

"Vani, bring the cleaning wipes and some ice. I need to check if we need to see the doctor."

Vani nodded and immediately rushed past the barricade of the girls and out of the studio, to buy ice and cleaning wipes, while Shivani was hyperventilating, thinking of the worst.

"I am fine, massi (aunt)" Arshiya tried to calm her down and Shivani ignored her and pressed her fingers on her feet to find the source of the swelling.

"Does it hurt?" Shivani asked softly, and Arshiya shook her head with an amused grin.

"What?" Shivani glowered at her and Arshiya put her hand on her mouth to prevent the giggles that bubbled inside her from peeping out of her lips, while she innocently shook her head.


"I brought ice, spread up guys." The girls parted on hearing Vani's voice and Arshiya watched her emerge out of the uneven barricade of girls.

Vani tore open the lining of cleaning wipes and handed their teacher plain wipes.

Shivani carefully wrapped the ice in wipes, before carefully wiping at the infected skin and at the same time, pressing on the redness, giving her the ice treatment.

"I have a feeling, that it's a holiday tomorrow." Arshiya fist-pumped the air, only to receive a smack on the head by Vani and Arshiya winced.


"Fortunately, it is alight sprain but still she had to cease unwanted movements." Shivani pressed spot at the same time and Arshiya flinched slightly.


"You are such a troublemaker," Srishti commented and Anu couldn't help but roll her eyes at her hypocrisy.

Arshiya sighed taking bliss in completely ignoring the irony and frowned as her stomach jolted with hungry butterflies.

"I am hungry." She whined like a baby and Shivani sighed at her niece's childishness, but didn't comment on it and glanced at the wall clock. It would be dark soon, so she dismissed the girls and then pulled out his phone and dialed her best friend aka Arshiya's mother Anita's number.


"Anita, there is a problem." This caught Anita's attention and Shivani heard the dropping of utensils in the background as she wailed loudly.

"Shivani, Are Arshiya's teeth hurting? Oh my god that's why you called, didn't you. I will call Varun Bhaiya to get there as soon as possible and check her teeth and..."

"Anita! Anita!" Anita continued her rambling, ignoring Shivani. "Anita, her teeth are fine!"

"Oh my god! What kind of mother I am...Wait, what?" Anita asked, confirming the truth and Shivani sighed in relief as her wailing squeaks stopped.

Claimed With Love.(Winning Her Heart Series, Book#1)Where stories live. Discover now