Special Chapter, One Shot: Meeting Hansol at a Local Korean Festival

Start from the beginning

  You look to your left to see a purple hair boy with purple eyes. Omg.. (Friend's Name) wasn't lying about seeing a hot boy with purple hair and purple eyes..

   "Y-Yeah!" You said, stammering a lot. "I-I'm totally fine!"

   You began to laugh awkwardly, wanting to kill yourself mentally because you were acting funny in front of a hot guy.

  The boy's eyebrow twitched up as he stared at you. "Are you sure.?"

   "Y-Yup! Totally fine!" I said, blushing like crazy.

   "Okay.. If you say so.." The boy said and turns back to the stage.

    You couldn't help but look at him. He's so hot.. He's probably like 5'11 at least.. I bet his hair is silky if I run my hand through i-

   "Umm.. Miss?" His voice snaps you out of thought. "I really think you need help.."

   He grabs your hand, pulling you out of your seat and takes you to a food stand.

   "Can I get a soda?" He asks the owner and pays for it. He hands the sofa to you.

  "Thank you!" You exclaimed and opened it to take a sip.

   Suddenly, you remembered why you were actually here for.

   "Ah! I lost my seat!" You cried. The boy blinks.

   "Are you sad just for that?" He asks and you nod.

   "Follow me." He said and you followed him to the back of the stage.

  You heard him speak fluent Korean and then he drags you to the stage.

   "Hi Hansol!" You hear your favourite Kpop idol exclaim. "Nice to see you here!" Wait.. Is it (Insert Kpop Idol's Name)?!?!?!?!?

   "Who's the pretty girl/guy behind you?" (Kpop Idol's name) asked. Hansol shrugged and looked at me.

   "I-I'm (Y/N).." Is this a dream??

   "Hansol only takes interest in pretty girls/guys so you're pretty lucky." (Kpop Idol's Name) said. "He doesn't take interest to celebrities though.."

  "(Idol's Name)! You need to be on stage in one minute!" A staff member yelled and he nods.

   "Well, I'll talk to you after the show." He said and left you and Hansol alone.

  "What were you doing in the audience if you can be here?" You wondered out loud.

   Hansol gives a nervous laugh, and blushed a bit.

  "I saw you and thought you might be nice.." He said and looked away from your eyes.

  "Oh.." You said, feeling awkward. "That's nice.."

   You both looked at each other at the same time and laughed awkwardly.

  "The concert is starting," you said as you heard your favourite song from the stage.

  Hansol grabs your hand.

  "Let's watch from the side," he said and you let him guide you.

"It was nice meeting you." You said, your eyes on your favourite idol. "You're a really nice guy."

"You are also a nice girl/guy." He said and you felt your face blush once again.

  You couldn't help but enjoy the performance with this boy you just met by your side, and ignored everything else (including your friend's calls) and watched the performance quietly with him.

   H3ll0!! Thanks for reading this ^.^ We are almost at the end of the one shots and we only have Aoi left! If you are getting annoyed by these one shots, I'm sorry >.<

  Anyways, thanks for reading~ Please vote and comment~ Steffan Out~^.^*

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