ch. 11

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These past few days, I've been trying to figure out what Olivia sparked inside of me. It was a weird feeling, if I'm honest. It felt like something was bubbling deep inside me, waiting to escape my body. It also made me feel lighter and puzzled.

It especially didn't help that I've been running into Olivia more ever since I confided in her and almost kissed her. The run-ins were very awkward, to say the least. Olivia would just smile at me and walk the other direction, while I would just stand there and watch her walk away.

"Tommy, can you help me with this customer?" John spoke in an impatient tone.

I put my thoughts to the side and went over to John.

"You were staring at the counter for almost 10 minutes, silent the whole time." John mumbled, shaking his head.

Holy shit, was I really thinking for that long? I grimaced, shaking my head as well.

"I'm sorry sir, I was caught up in my thoughts." I confessed, scratching the back of my neck.

"It's okay, just help the customer at the back of the store." John said, making his way over to the counter.

I sighed and walked over to the back of the store. Peter was there, looking at some Oxfords. I internally groaned and went to him.

"Hello again, Tommy." Peter said, turning his attention away from the Oxfords and looking at me.

"What do you want, Peter?" I calmly said, with a hint of annoyance in my voice.

"Woah, calm down. I just wanted to buy a pair of shoes, that's all." Peter chuckled, putting his hands in his pockets.

"Peter, I know that's not the real reason you came here." I stated, narrowing my eyes at him.

"Alright, you got me there. I came here to tell you to get away from Olivia, I don't need you to ruin our relationship. I saw that little scene on the bench. God, you looked so desperate to kiss her." Peter sneered, coming closer to me.

I raised my eyebrows at him and crossed my arms. He needs to calm down and relax.

"I'm not ruining your relationship, Peter. In fact, you're the one that's ruining it. Also, Olivia seemed quite eager to kiss me, honestly." I admitted, stepping closer to him. Where the hell did this boost of confidence come from?

"You have no right to tell me that I'm "ruining" my own relationship. You haven't even been in a relationship, Tommy." Peter spat, closing his hands into fists.

"Trust me, I can tell that you are ruining what you and Olivia have. I saw that argument that you guys had in the main square. Olivia said that you were constantly controlling her, which is not a good way to express love." I stated, shaking my head in disapproval.

"Tommy, you're just a jealous and pathetic boy. Seriously, I would've thought that you would mature after the war, but I guess not." Peter said, closing the gap between us. Was he really going to fight me right now?

I didn't get a chance to say something back because before I knew it, he punched the side of my jaw. I gasped and touched my jaw. It ached so much, and I could tell that it would be turning a harsh shade of purple soon.

Peter gave me a smug smile and held his fist back. Before he could launch it towards my nose, I grabbed his fist and twisted it a bit. Peter groaned in pain and reeled his hand back. I wasn't going down without a fight, and I was a little bit scared since this was my first one.

Peter lifted his leg and kicked me. I fell to the floor and clutched my abdomen. Fuck, why did he have to kick me there?

I heard Peter let out a low laugh. He then crouched down to me.

"You really are weak, aren't you?" Peter snorted, looking at me in disgust.

Without thinking, I grabbed him and started to punch him in his stomach. Peter let out a yelp of surprise. I let out a string of curse words every time I landed a blow, watching Peter try to pry my fists away.

It seemed like I was too concentrated on punching him because Peter suddenly grabbed my neck, pushing me against the wall.

"You fucking idiot, did you really think your puny punches would affect me? Hopefully, this serves you a lesson to stop throwing yourself at Olivia." Peter snickered, squeezing my neck harder.

My breathing intensified as I let out strangled gasps. I still wanted to keep my word that I wouldn't go down without a fight. I wrapped both of my legs around Peter's arms, trying to pull them down. Peter kept his hands on my neck, but I could feel his arms start to go down slowly.

I released my legs from his arms and tried to kick him in the face. After about 4 attempts, I successfully kicked him. Peter stumbled back and released his hands from my neck. I let out a long, shaky breath and stalked over to Peter.

Peter had his hands over his face. I pried his hands off his face and gave him a big punch in the face. Peter fell back and clutched his face again, yelling out curse words.

"Fuck you! Olivia will never love you! You're a piece of shit, a weak one!" Peter screamed.

I shook my head and grabbed him by the ear.

"If I'm weak, then why are you the one in a lot more pain than me?" I whispered in his ear, releasing his ear after.

Peter groaned and and stood up. He grumbled and started to walk away.

"You won't get away with this, Tommy." Peter threatened.

I nodded and rolled my eyes.

John suddenly came in, his eyes wide.

"What the hell happened in here? And why are you bruised up?" John asked, looking confused.

Peter stopped walked and turned to John. John looked at him and let out a low whistle. Peter's face really looked damaged.

"We had a disagreement." Peter simply stated. He then walked away, his footsteps getting more and more quieter. I heard the front door slam, meaning that he left.

I looked at John and shrugged. What Peter said was partly true.

I touched my jaw again and hissed. Fuck, it hurt so much. My throat felt so sore and scratchy and my abdomen was in immense pain. This fight definitely left an imprint on me, emotionally and physically.

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