ch. 2

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The cold air greeted me when I stepped out of the shop. I wrapped my corduroy jacket around me and began to walk towards home. Unfortunately, my house was 15 blocks away, so I had quite an amount of time before reaching there.

I walked faster and caught a glimpse of a clock hanging outside a store. It read 3:30. Huh, I guess John really did let me off work early, as I was supposed to leave around 5.

I shuddered as I walked, the brisk air nipping at my face. I raised my jacket in an attempt to cover my face, leaving it like that the whole time I walked.

Finally, I reached my house. It was a simple home, really. Nothing more than bricks and cement. I was about to walk towards it when I saw somebody in front of it. Their back was turned as they dropped a newspaper in front of my door. I slowly realized it was a newsboy, so I stood until they turned around. My jaw dropped when I saw their face.

It was a girl! Well, not really a girl, more of a woman, but nevertheless a girl! This was the first time I've ever seen a girl be a newsie, so this shocked me. She had brown hair that seemed to cascade over her in a neat manner. She was wearing a simple grey jacket and black trousers. As she neared towards me, I got a better look at her face. Her eyes were hazel, almost the same shade as my hazel-lime eyes . I noticed her cheeks were a bit rosy, which I don't know if it was caused by the weather or something else.

"Hello there! I am a new addition to the newsboys, so I was ordered to deliver newspapers around here!" The girl announced loudly, her voice a bit shaky.

"B-But you're a girl!" I spluttered, immediately covering my mouth after I realized what I said.

"Whether I'm a girl or a boy, it truly doesn't matter as long as I deliver your newspaper, am I right?" She questioned, raising her eyebrows at me.

"Yeah, I was just confused, I'm sorry." I apologized.

"It's quite alright. I'm Olivia, what's your name?" Olivia said.

"Tommy." I stated as I tried to look anywhere but in front of me, which where she was. Don't get me wrong, I have nothing against her, it's just that there was something about her that made me feel weird.

"Nice name! Suits someone as good-looking as you!" Olivia exclaimed.

My eyes widened, I wasn't sure what I was going to say. Did she really call me good looking?

"Thank you?" I said, my answer sounding more like a question than a response.

"You're welcome. Your eyes are really nice!" Olivia complimented. Wow, does she ever run out of anything to say?

"Thank you again." I replied in a monotonous tone. I would compliment her, but it would be a bit too weird.

"Of course! I have to go deliver newspapers now, but it was really nice talking to you!" Olivia cheerfully said as she began to walk the other direction.

I watched her walk a few steps away. Should I say something to her, or ignore her and go on with my sad excuse of a life? I would go for the latter, but I felt a spark of encouragement surge through me.

"Hey Olivia! Wait!" I hollered.

Olivia stopped walking and looked back at me. She gave me a weird look and went back over to me.

"Yes? Do you need anything else?" Olivia said, genuinely confused.

"When is the next newspaper coming out?" I said, screaming internally as I realized what I just said.

"Next Monday, everybody knows that." Olivia stated as she walked in the other direction again.

"Thank you!" I yelled as I made my way over to my house. Gosh, do I feel like an absolute idiot. I knew that it was coming out on Monday, why did I even ask that?

I picked up the newspaper and unlocked my door. I walked inside and sat at my little table near the kitchen. I grabbed myself a chair and slowly sank into my seat.

I read the newspaper and made comments to myself here and there. There were just headlines of new industrialization that was coming soon, so that was good. There was the occasional headline and article about fear spreading around England since World War 2 would be coming soon to our area after Germany takes over France as a whole. Attacks were already happening here in England, so the newspaper warned its readers to be careful. Thank God the attacks are nowhere near my location, the attacks would happen around here in probably a year or two. I sighed and put down the newspaper.

I walked over to my room which only held a small closet and a bed. Even though it was quite early to go to bed, I still felt very tired. I tugged off my layers of clothing and put on flannel pants, then I put a long-sleeved shirt and fell into bed. I grimaced at my landing, but drifted off to sleep right after.

"Shield yourselves, men! Another boat will be coming soon and the German aircrafts will be bombing us again!" A man yelled, fear evident on his face.

I dropped onto the sand on the beach and put my arms over my head. Alex, a fellow soldier, stayed beside me, shaking.

"Damn it! Those fucking Germans don't know when to rest, do they?" Alex shouted loudly, making sure I can hear him.

"Alex, shut your mouth and cover your damn head!" I yelled, jumping slightly as a plane raced above us.

Another soldier named Gibson took cover in front of us, yelling in another language which I presumed was French.

The bombs rained down on us, exploding everywhere. I covered my ears and prayed it wouldn't take out half of this army. A bomb went off a few feet away from us, too close to us.

I closed my eyes and hoped it wouldn't hit us. I was slowly realizing there wasn't any hope at all, that we weren't the right contenders for this war. Bombs went off all over us still, and it never seemed to stop.

I arose from my bed and breathed heavily. I looked around and looked at my surroundings, confirming that I was just dreaming. I sank back into my bed and fell back asleep, tossing and turning the whole time.

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