ch. 30 - finale

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I ran up to the door and opened it. I made it inside my house, shaking and soaked with the rain. I knew that I should've brought another jacket with me.

I walked inside the kitchen and took off my jacket, which was a very difficult task. My shaking figure made it seem hard for me to pull off my jacket. After a few attempts, I finally got my jacket off of me.

I wiped my eyes and sat down at a chair. I was so done with everything that's happening to me. So damn tired of the daily problems I experience.

Olivia walked in the kitchen and sighed. Her facial expression softened when she saw my face.

"What's wrong, Tommy?" Olivia asked, sitting down next me.

"I'm just done with everything right now. Done with all of my pain, done with my problems, done with this world." I confessed.

Olivia nodded and went closer to me. She gave me a hug, only this hug was different. It wasn't warm like her other hugs. Her entire body just felt so cold against mine.

"Why are you hugging me?" I mumbled.

"I don't know. I just feel the same about what you just said." Olivia confessed.

She took her arms off me and went to the window. I heard her sniffle a bit.

"You know, this is the first time in a week that you actually had a small conversation with me." I observed.

"I know, Tommy. I just wanted to talk to you before we go off and do our routine of being sad and lonely again." Olivia said.

"We can't seem to escape it, can't we?" I spoke.

"Yeah." Olivia responded.

It got quiet for a few moments until Olivia let out a noise. She turned around and looked at me with worry.

"Do you hear that?" Olivia questioned.

"Hear what?" I gave her a confused look.

I then heard the sound of something falling down. It was not the sound of something falling low on the ground. It was coming from the sky.

I went to the window and opened it. I looked up to see a plane fly above us. The thing that we heard was falling was a bomb.

"Olivia, get down!" I hissed.

Olivia and I went to the table and crouched under it.

"What's h-happening?" Olivia stuttered.

I couldn't say anything back, I was in shock. This had to be a dream, this can't be real.

"Tommy, I'm scared." Olivia whimpered.

I squeezed my eyes shut and grimaced. Fuck, I don't want to go through this again.

I felt Olivia go closer to me. I blindly put my arms around Olivia, hugging her. Olivia put her arms around me, cries coming out of her mouth.

Then, it happened. The bomb fell in our house, going off immediately. I felt myself fly off a few feet, Olivia no longer close to me. I screamed and landed on the floor. I couldn't open my eyes for a while.

I could faintly hear Olivia's voice, but it sounded distant. Her screams were mixed with her cries for help. I tried to open my eyes but they stayed shut. Fuck, why did this have to happen to us?

I finally opened my eyes and tried to get up. Everything around me looked blurry and distorted. I touched my head and felt warm liquid ooze on my hand. That liquid was blood.

I stumbled as I got up, groaning in pain. My arm was in immense pain, along with my left leg. I tried my best to walk.

"Olivia!" I called out, my voice hoarse.

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