Chapter 3: The messed up past 2

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Sapphire, with her big mouth, was stuck on guard duty the first night "Whenever I do this back home he just chuckles and tells me to take the dog for a walk" she complains and Batgirl, from that world, plops down next to her "Batman is so grumpy and protective here" she says holding out some Starbucks drink towards the girl which Sapphire takes "My parents are overprotective, so I know the difference Babs" she says taking a sip "You do know you have two guys drooling over you right?" Batgirl asks earning a nod "My dad said no boy is allowed to date me until he can beat him in combat, mom said the exact same thing to my brother about him getting a girlfriend" Sapphire says with a shrug "Now that's overprotective" Batgirl says and she stretches.

The night goes by too slowly for the two girls who were forced to take guard duty and eventually Batgirl asks "Wanna trow rocks?" "Sure there are enough laying around" Sapphire asks picking one up and she trows it as far as she can and the two look at each other hearing a clank in the distance "Well let's check it out, we're guards right?" Batgirl asks. They sneak over and see the enemy investigating what the sound is about "Shit, forgot my utility belt" Batgirl whispers and Sapphire says "Never leave home without it", she trows a smoke bomb and head in, quickly taking them down and Sapphire stabs one wanting to sneak up behind her "Did you kill it?" Batgirl asks and Sapphire looks at the creature "No, we have a hostage now" she says picking it up and trowing it over her shoulder "Try all you want to take over my mind, won't work" she says as they start to walk back "A Martian trained you I guess" Batgirl says earning a nod "That was some annoying training, but it pays off sometimes" Sapphire says, they knock the thing out before walking to where Batman is "Before you say anything, I learned that the best source of information is sometimes the enemy" she says trowing it down "How did it not take control of you?" Robin asks and Sapphire says "That is called training". It doesn't take long for M'gann to find out everything she needs to know "Wait a minute. You want me to kill it?" Jake asks as everyone is gathered "Yes" Batman says and the group of kids look at each other "We don't kill" Sapphire says "That and I have a better idea" Barry says and Batman looks at him "Do share it before you get guard duty" "We know where their ship is, Sapphire had a few lessons in alien technology much to her parents annoyance" Tala says and she adds "If we, humans can send that ship away they'll know not to mess with us" "That and from what M'gann said I think I know their language enough to understand it" Sapphire says, Batman looks at her more then a little skeptical and he says "Go ask what they want" "Their ship is broken, they were looking for parts so they can fix it, because no one would help them they resorted to violence" M'gann says crossing her arms "They were kidnapping people" Flash says and he asks "Though I'm curious, who's the Flash in your world?" "Wally is" Sapphire says crossing her arms "Also why are you so surprised I didn't get affected?" she asks looking at Batman who sends her a glare "M'gann, do me a favor and test his own resistance for me" Jake says putting arm around his sister "No need, he's already taken over by them" M'gann says "Anyone able to fight him?" Robin says and Jake says "Yep and she's coming now". Amber arrives, wearing her casual clothes and sunglasses, she sighs "You, young me, don't touch me and this won't be a problem" she says, Nightwing had insisted she went instead of him, though both could beat Batman, but she was the logical choice, Tim's words, not hers. She looks at Batman and says "I'll say it once, steps away from the kids", Sapphire jumps backwards and she makes a few backflips landing next to M'gann who sweatdrops "They couldn't send Nightwing or something" "Nope" Amber says and she dodges the first blow from possessed Batman before kicking him away, flinching when her foot makes contact with the guy "Yeah logical choice" she mumbles "Could really use some backup" she says into her earpiece "You have M'gann" Tim says "I freaking hate you right now" she mumbles dodging the next blow "I'll try to get the alien out of his head" M'gann says "Keep him distracted" "Yeah sure, reminder for you. I'm injured" Amber says landing a punch and she takes a knife from her boot "She's scary" Kid Flash mumbles watching the apparently injured older version of Raven beat Batman "He doesn't kill allies right?" Barry asks and the others go quiet "He killed M'gann" Robin mumbles, hoping Amber wouldn't hear it, but that's too bad for him and she knocks him out cold before taking the gem from her pocket "Does this guy have kids?" she asks, but everyone shrugs "Then I'll improvise" she mumbles, when Batman comes too he's chained to a pillar and Flash is treating the wounds of the older Amber "I'm fine" she says "I've been stabbed don't know how many times and survived two explosions in one evening" she says causing Sapphire's eyes to widen "Why didn't you ever tell me or Jake?" she asks quietly after walking over "Very good reasons" Amber says, she still had scars from that accident, mostly her ankles and her shoulder, as well as her trowing arm, she rolls up the sleeve of her jacket and shows the group the scar on her arm "You were possesed" Jake says looking at Batman "Not sure what she did though" "Simple, gave him the worst nightmare he can have, losing those two, the worst way possible" Amber says pointing to Robin and Raven "Amber we can't bring you back yet" Tim says "Well hurry before Alfred finds my room empty" Amber says annoyed "The machine is malfunctioning" he says "You'll have to wait".

Sapphire is sitting next to her mother while Flash and Black Canary are treating her wounds, which had opened, again "Geez, how'd you get that one?" Sapphire asks seeing the cut near Amber's troat "Latest run in with the Joker" Amber says dryly "And that's why you're not allowed to patrol Gotham yet with just Jake" she adds "Anyone else bothered that they're talking normally while they're in the future?" Aqualad asks "I'm used to time travel" Amber says stretching.

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