Chapter 12

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Amanda's POV

I've been laying in my bed for two weeks. Ever since everything with Simon....I haven't been the same at all. I can't even move without hurting.....I left him but in the process broke myself. He's been blowing up my phone but I just can't answer him. I haven't been to work since everything and I probably should go today. I look at the clock and it's 11AM. I guess if I'm going to work I have to get ready. I go to the bathroom and look in the mirror. My makeup is all over and so is my hair. My body is smaller than normal because I haven't been eating a lot. I decide to shower and not do my makeup at all. I finish up getting ready and then drive to the studio. Once I show up I walk to the judges room and see two new people. Both of them seem nice so I approach them and they look up from talking to each other.
"Hi, I'm Amanda." I smile.

"I'm Alesha." the dark toned girl says and she looks absolutly beautiful.

"And I'm David Walliams." says the taller man with brown hair that's swept back.

"Are you guys new judges?" I ask.

"Yeah just for the rest of the season since Piers got fired." Alesha says and I nod.

"Have either of you seen Simon?" I ask.

"Yeah he's in his dressing room." David points and I smile and nod. I walk to his door and knock softly.

"Come in!" he yelps and I smile at his voice. I've missed his voice so much. I slowly open the door and walk in to see him finishing gelling his hair. I close the door and he looks in the mirror at me.
"Amanda." he whispers and freezes.

"Hey." I mumble and I'm met with a hug that's pretty tight around me. I begin to sob because I've needed this for so long. All I've wanted is for him to hold me and tell me it's okay which is exactly what he did.

"Shhh baby girl. I got you now." he coos in my ear and rubs my back softly. 

"I-I-I missed you so much." I yelp into his shoulder and his grip just tightens on me. He makes me look at him and I can barely see through my blurred vision.

"I'm not leaving you. I'll always be right here." he says and then slowly leans forward and our lips attach to each other. My hands fly up to his hair and his hands press my body against the wall and then they slide up my dress. He pulls away and then kisses every tear away. I smile as his thumb rubs up and down my hip bone. His hands are warm and feel so good on my cold skin. His body is pressed against mine and I don't want to move from this spot. 

"I love you Simon." I whisper.

"I love you too baby girl." he says back I press my lips back to his.

~1 hour later~

 We are sitting at the desk listening to someone do comedy and I'm not really finding anything funny at all. It actually is quite stupid honestly. I roll my eyes as he tells another joke and I just turn my seat around and look at the audience who is just sitting on their phones or booing. I finally spin back around and slam my hand down on my buzzer. This guy really just sucks. After a few seconds all the buzzers are hit and the comedian looks hurt.
"W-why did you hit the buzzer?" the man asks.

"We just didn't like it." Simon says plainly.

"Why don't you try and come do it. See how easy it is." he says angrily.

"Simon could make us all just suck." I say and he throws the microphone at me. Luckily it missed me but it spilt my cup of water and hot tea all over me. Simon stands up and marches to the stage.

"Get off my stage!" he yelps. The man leaves and I go back stage so I can change because now I've got a burning leg from the tea. I get to my dressing room and let my dress fall to my feet. I sit down and grab a first aid kit to nurse my wound. My door slings open and it's Simon. He closes the door behind him and kneels in front of me. I'm trying to put burn cream on it but it hurts so bad and I'm trying to keep myself from crying. He puts some on his finger tips and then grabs my hand with his empty hand.
"Just squeeze if it hurts." he whispers and I nod softly. I look away and he starts rubbing on the cream. I breath in sharp through my teeth and squeeze his hand as hard as I can. After a few seconds the pain disappears and I look down at him.
"All done." he smiles and grabs some gauze. He tightly wraps my leg and then puts something on it so it will stay. I grab another dress and pull it on. He helps me zip it in the back and then wraps his arms around my waist.

"I'm ready." I whisper.

"Alright, let's go." he smiles and kisses my cheek. We walk back out and the crowd burst into screams and cheers as we walk out. I decide to make some fun and I stop Simon right in the middle of the stage. He looks at me with a strange look and I smirk as I get closer to his lips. I pause and wait for a reaction. Everyone goes completely silent and someone starts chanting.

"KISS! KISS! KISS!" the person says very loudly. Everyone joins in and I turn my head to the crowd laughing. I turn my head and press my lips hard against Simon's. Everyone is screaming and I stick my hand in the air giving a thumbs up. Everyone gets louder and Simon's arm snakes around my waist. I smile against his lips and he pulls away.

"Get ready for cameras everywhere darling." he whispers.

"As long as I'm with you then I don't give a shi*t." I whisper back.


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