Chapter 7

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Amanda's POV

I'm laying on Simon's chest for the second day in a row and he's breathing heavily and sweating like crazy. Demi cheated on him and both of our phones have been blowing up. We turned them off and then I changed my locks last night after everything that happened so Piers couldn't get back in. I'm honestly kinda scared of him since he's been acting pissy. I'm laying here, naked and happy for the first time in awhile. I look up at Simon and he's staring at the ceiling.
"Si." I whisper and he looks down at me.
"Are you okay?" I ask.

"Yeah, I'm still processing that we had sex pretty much all day the last few days. Haven't went into work and cancelled both times. I think it's time we go back to work." he whispers and kisses my head.

"I don't want to." I groan and crawl ontop of him. His hands go to my hips and I move softly against him.
"Your stuff got done yesterday. I folded your clothes and just put them on my dresser." I smile and he grins.

"Thanks. We best get going now before we get in trouble." he chuckles and gets up, making me fall on my back. I giggle and then get up and get dressed myself. After about an hour we both park our cars and walk into the studio seperately. I walk into my dressing room and there is Piers.

"What the actual fu*k Amanda!" he yelps.

"What's your problem Piers?" I ask.

"I've been blowing up your phone for two days straight! I went by your place and the key didn't work in the door. Where the hell have you been?" he asks.

"Woah wait a second! You up and left because I said no to your proposal! All you left was a note that said I'm at a hotel." I say.

"Because I just got turned down! By someone I am in love with!" he yelps. My mouth gapes open and then I walk out to the judges room with him hot on my heels.
"Amanda stop!" he yelps and then grabs my hand making me stop. 

"What Piers!?! What do you want from me!?!" I yelp, now tears are threatening to fall. I look around and people are staring, including Simon. 

"Tell me how you feel! Please tell me you love me." he whispers. I feel a hand touch my back and a body show up beside me. I look over to see Simon.

"Piers, I don't know that this is the best place to discuss this." he whispers and Piers looks angered now.

"Listen here Cowell. I'm sick of dealing with your sh*t! I've dealt with it for years and I'm not gonna sit by and let you steal away the love of my life!" he yells and is now in Simon's face.

"Piers do NOT do this here." Simon whispers and I see his chest puff up a bit, making him look like he's towering over Piers.

"You can't tell me what to do! I don't care if that slut of yours cheated on you or not!" he yells and I know that hit Simon's spot where he exploded. He pushes Piers away and Piers pushes back just as hard. Simon's fists are bald up and he throws one right at Piers, knocking him on his butt.

"Don't you ever talk about her!" he says, his whole body is trembling and I know it's time I intercede. I walk in front of Simon and he just looks right past me. Piers is still on the floor and so I place my hands on Simon's chest and he looks down at me. His eyes go from almost black to a more soften brown. His body is still trembling so I lead him to his dressing room where he pushes me against the door. 
"Why does it still hurt Amanda?" he asks and I can tell he's holding back tears.

"Because you loved her Simon. You still do." I whisper.

"No... that... that's not possible. S-she cheated on me! I can't love her!" he yelps and starts pacing back and forth on the floor.

"It doesn't matter. When you love never actually goes away." I whisper.

"It has to! I don't want to love her Amanda!" he yelps and stops in front of me. There's a bang on the door and I open it to reveal Piers.

"What do you want?" I ask.

"Get out of my dressing room!" Simon yelps but Piers comes in anyway and I shut the door. 

"Amanda...I love you. I don't care what anyone else thinks. I want us to get married and have a family." he says, holding my hands. I smile and can't believe how sweet he is being.

"This is bullsh*t." Simon says and pulls me so I'll face him.
"There's something I need to tell you Amanda." he whispers.

"What Simon?" I ask and his hands slips on my waist.

"I'm in love with you. My body feels warm and explosions go off when your around." he says and I stare at him in awe. He loves me.....He actually loves me. But so does Piers and now I don't want to hurt him.

"Pick one Amanda. You can't have both of us." Piers says with sarcasm.

"No, I'm not gonna make you do that. Just be with him if your happy." Simon says and goes to walk but I grab his collar and pull his lips to mine. We move in sync and I love it.

"I love you so da*n much! I want you! I am so in love!" I grin. 

"Really?" He asks.

"Of course." I whisper and pull him back to me.

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