Chapter 8

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Amanda's POV

I look over at Piers and he looks really upset. I slowly let go of Simon and walk over to Piers.
"Piers." I whisper.

"H-how could you?" he wimpers.

"I thought...I was in love with you....but I'm not." I say and fix his blazer.

"You played me this whole time! You.....your such a slut!" he yells and then storms out of the room. I feel my heart drop and my happy moment suddenly turns into the worst moment. I've hurt him and now I can't fix it.

"Mandy." Simon whispers and grabs my hand.

"What have I done?" I wimper and lay my head on his chest.

"Don't worry about it." he whispers in my ear. I pull away and look up at him. I can tell he's searching for some kind of feeling from me. I feel the tears running down my face and he reaches up and wipes one side of my face.

"I need to go." I whisper and quickly walk away from him. I jump in my car and decide to drive to the lighthouse that's like right outside of town. I slowly climb up the empty stairs of the lighthouse and once I'm at the top it's a whole nother view of city. The wind is causing my hair to blow to the side with some of it getting in my face. I hear the water splashing against the rocks and the smell of salt water crawls up my nostrils. I slide down the wall and let the tears fall because I feel like I've really screwed up. My phone keeps buzzing but I don't want to answer it right now. I take in deep breathes as I stand to my feet and lean over the railing. The cold metal burning my once warm fingers. I look over the city and it looks so perfect. I can see it's raining in the distance but the sun is setting beautifully. Everyone looks like small ants while I'm on top of the world. The buildings all different shapes and sizes. Small ones here and ones that tower over those small ones. I feel a drop on my nose and decide it's time to head back before it starts storming. I walk down the steps and once in my care I let out a heavy sigh. It's as if being up there just seemed to ease my thoughts for me. I drive back home and as I pull into my driveway I see Simon is sitting on my porch swing.

Simon's POV

I see Amanda get out of her car and relief washes over me. I wait for her to get to the door and unlock it. She goes inside and I follow behind her. Her purse is thrown onto the couch and she walks up the stairs and into her room. She begins to take of her jewlery and as she does I come up behind her, looking at our reflection in her mirror. 
"Are you okay?" I ask, now breaking the silence.

"I'm fine." she whispers.

"Amanda." I mumble and she looks at me with an annoyed look.
"I was scared." I whisper and her face quickly softens.

"Why?" she whispers and then turns around, placing her hands on my face.

"I didn't know where you were. All I knew was you were upset and I didn't know what to do." I whisper, now holding back tears.

"I was at my quiet place babe." she says and kisses my nose before turning around and slowly taking off her clothes. She stands in the mirror with just her undergarments. I scan over her body and she looks so beautiful. Her blonde hair falls perfectly over her frail body. Her hips are shaped perfectly with her thighs. There's not a thigh gap but I don't give two shits about that. Her brown eyes are like two carmel candies and her hands are small and beautiful. Her smile lights me up and her lips just look kissable. I move her hair over to one shoulder and lean down to kiss her neck softly. Her head moves to grant me better access. My lips trace her face slightly as they find hers. She turns in my arms and I feel her mouth pull into a smile as she kisses me. Her hand slides down my button up, unbuttoning very skillfully as she goes. Soon I'm shrugging my shirt of my shoulders and we are laying on the bed. I pull away from her and look her beautiful eyes. I don't want to have sex, I just want to kiss her and make her know how beautiful she is. 

"How about you get some sleep. You've had a very big day today." I whisper, brushing hair out of her face. She nods her head and then kisses my cheek once again. She then lays on my chest and I pull blankets over both of our bodies so that way we are covered from the cold air. She eventually falls asleep and not long after so do I.

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