I look over to Nate, who is now in the bathroom, dripping wet from his shower and has his towel wrapped around his hips, combing back his hair while examining himself in the mirror.

I'm fully ready, which is surprising, considering I usually take longer than him to get ready for anything, wether its a fancy date or a movie night at home.

Nate looks over to me, smiles, and leans his head back; motioning me to come into the bathroom.

I do as he asks, and walks into the bathroom beside him, and wrap my arms around him.

He kisses my forehead, giving me a tingly feeling inside.

"Are you excited about this?" He asks me.

He places his hands on my hips, his towel still being wrapped around him, he has a smirk on his face.

I nod my head slightly. "Of course I am, honey." I say with a smile on my face.

We kiss a few times, then study each others eyes.

"Get ready, Nate." I persuade him.

He chuckles at me and I make my way to the exit.
Then, I feel a slight squeeze on the left side of my bum.

Surprised, I jump, then turn around to him, giving him a questioning look.


"Sorry dear, I had to." He winks at me and I make my way out of the bathroom.


Me and Nate step out of the car, my purse in my hand and the rest of my body trembling, nervous but yet so excited of what we are heading into.

Nate meets me at the front of the car, then walks with me towards the entrance of the housing.

"This is it, the next chapter of our lives." He says to me while we walk in unison.

"You're making me more nervous, Nate." I say to him in truth.

Yes, this is amazing, and a huge step into our life, but it makes me dizzy feeling.

He opens the front door for me and walks in after me.

This is it, this is the new page.

We hold hands as we walk down the same hallway we were in a week ago.

I about lost my balance walking, and Nate assisted me on regaining my balance as we sat in the waiting chairs in the front lobby.

I examined the room once again like I did before. There were some similar things, except the paintings on the billboard. There were less and some even in the floor.

I look over to Nate, who isn't even paying attention to what I was paying attention to. Instead, he was examining the ceiling, which meant he was deep into thought.

"Ruess!" We heard a lady from the other room called loudly.

Me and Nate looked at each other, then stood up and walked toward the hallway the sound came from.

We stepped into the lady's office, we expected the same lady we talked to before, but it was someone else.

"Take a seat." She said brutally.

I sat down beside Nate, in the chairs that stood in front of the desk that she was sitting behind.

She cleared her throat, and looked at both of us, then at some papers that laid in front of her on the desk.

"So, it seems to me that you would like to adopt our oldest, Dylan Creech?"

I nodded my head nonchantly.

"Yes, it would mean the world to me, miss." I replied.

"It is a wonderful thing to adopt, but I'm afraid to tell you that Dylan is not an easy child-erm excuse me, teenager, to handle."

Nate laid back in his chair, crossing his legs and arms, examining the lady.

"What is so wrong with Dylan that makes his hard to handle?"

"She likes to get in trouble a lot, he has been adopted before, but brought back two months after. It will be a new record if you bring him back after two months."

"We wouldn't ever bring him back! Ever!" Nate protested.

"That's what the past foster parents said, too, but they did bring him back." She informed Nate.

Nate stood up from his chair, and stood closer to the desk.

"Look here, miss-"

"Miss London." She interrupted him, causing him to roll his eyes.

"Miss London, we want Dylan. We are not able to have children of our own, okay? The last thing we need to handle is a lady who is being impulsive and a bitch to us, just so we won't adopt their oldest child.

We want Dylan. We want to love Dylan. We want to care about Dylan. We want to treat Dylan like a king. We want Dylan to feel loved, and that is all. We will not ever bring him back, ever, I do not care what the other foster parents said, okay?

So if you would, PLEASE ask Dylan to get his stuff ready, because we want to leave this place WITH him, and won't leave WITHOUT him."

The lady was surprised and shocked at his choice of words.

"Yes sir. Yes Mr. Ruess, I will go and get Dylan right away."

She didn't sound as brutal, and litterally fast walked out of the room, in fear of Nate.

To be honest with you, I have never seen Nate so mad, but who could blame him?

We have came this far, and the lady was trying to persuade us to not pick Dylan. How could we not pick him? He seemed the best out of all if them to us.

I would adopt them all if I could.

After a few minutes of silence and me trying to calm Nate down, out comes a small young boy, well dressed, and smiling.

Me and Nate have eye contact with him, but loss at words, as is he.

There is a large mass of space between us, but I am wishing there wasn't.

He has blue eyes, brown hair, and perfect dimples.

"Hi, I'm Dylan." He said, which broke the silence.

Me and Nate stepped closer to him, slow and careful with each step.

"Hi Dylan, I'm Nate." Nate stuck out his hand to shake Dylan's, which Dylan stuck his hand out also to shake Nate's.

"I'm Kennedy, it's nice to meet you Dylan." I added.

Instead of holding his hand out to shake mine, he walked over and hugged me.

"I'm so thankful you adopted me." He said while holding me in a hug.

"It was all worth it, Dylan." I said with a smile, and wrapping my arms around him.

Butterfly Tattoo [Nate Ruess]Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora