Chapter 6 - Confusing

Start from the beginning

I flagged down a cab and asked to got to Portland Avenue, the cab driver nodded and started driving.

I rested back against the seat and opened tumblr on my iPhone.

I scrolled through the pictures on my dash. Tyler Oakley, One Direction, Troyler, Troye Sivan, Supernatural, naked person, text post, text post, Jamie Campbell Bower, One Direction.

I looked up when the driver said we were here and I paid for the cab fee, then got out.

I thanked the driver once again before shutting the door and walking down the street, finding the cafe.

I approached the cafe that was something to Jamie's liking and walked in.

I put my phone in my pocket, looked for the blonde twenty-five year old, found him and walked over to the booth he was sitting in.

"Hey" I said smiling, taking my coat off and placing it beside my seat of the booth and sitting down.

"Hey, you look beautiful" he said leaning over the table and kissing my cheek.

Lazy ass not standing up and doing it when I came to the booth, instead lean over the table.

"You look good too" I said being polite, not really wanting to compliment him and make his ego bigger. He didn't need anyone telling him he looks good, the fifteen year olds tell him enough.

He was wearing a grey cashmere jumper, a pair of jeans and most likely a plain shirt underneath.

"What would you like?" He asked handing me a menu.

I looked at the list and very carefully made a decision.

A waitress came over and asked what we would like to order. I stared at Jamie and the waitress back and forth. I'd be stupid if I couldn't tell that he was checking her out. But even I found myself checking her out, not that her big bust and close to fully unbuttoned shirt helped much.

"I'll get an omelette and a black coffee. Jamie what would you like?" I asked putting my menu down.

"I'll have a tea and a cheese, ham and tomato grilled sandwich" he said putting his menu down too.

The waitress said she'd be back in a moment, took the menu's and winked at Jamie.

Jamie looked uncomfortable a bit when he looked back at me and realised I was actually there.

I smiled, rolled my eyes and murmured 'boys', in which Jamie laughed at.

"What have you been doing?" He asked.

"Umm nothing. I finished unpacking things in my apartment. Actually I think there's some stuff I still have at your apartment, so I'll pick that up soon. What about you?" I asked.

"Bonnie spent the night over... It's pretty lonely without you there even when there's another person staying" he says. I fought back the urge to roll my eyes at the mention of her name.

"Cool" I said sarcastically, but trying to hide it a bit.

"You didn't need to move out" he said touching my hand, which was playing with the edge of a napkin.

"I know, but I feel like I want to live by myself for the moment" I say looking into his blue eyes.

"Your always welcomed back home" he says half smiling, and my heart skipping a beat.

I looked at the waitress as she put our food and drinks down.

She smiled and span on her heal, going back behind the counter.

"You got an omelette for lunch?" Jamie asked.

"Don't make me go all Hazel Grace on you" I say.

"The Fault In Our Stars reference I'm guessing?" He asked.

"Yep. She made a debate on why eggs are stereotypically morning foods and that they shouldn't be labelled like that" I say.

He nods and takes a sip of his tea.

I cut off some of my omelette and popped it in my mouth.


We left the cafe an hour ago, and one jumper being bought later, I am at Jamie's flat in the kitchen as he makes us chai lattes. Don't even ask me how he persuaded me to come back to his flat, but Bonnie wasn't there so I don't mind that much.

"Where has Bonnie been sleeping?" I asked curiously.

"In my bed and I've been sleeping on the couch" he says stirring the spoon in the cups.

"Tell her to sleep in my room, all my stuff will be gone today I guess" I say.

"Mkay" he says turning around and moving closer to me, as I lean on the counter. He put his hands on my waist and moved his face closer to mine, and I sensed Deja Vu. But I didn't mind.

His lips pressed into mine for a few moments before he bit my lip, asking for entrance as weird as it sounds. I took my hands off the bench and put them flat against his chest. The kiss became more heated and he then told me to jump and I did. I wrapped my legs around his waist and he carried me to the lounge room, us still kissing. He sat down on the couch and I gently pushed him so he was lying down on the couch, me siting where my legs would have been if he was still carrying me.

I leaned down and reconnected the kiss. I felt a cold shiver on my spine as we continued kissing. Before we knew it, the door had opened and Bonnie had walked in, standing at the edge of the kitchen, and staring at us.

Jamie opened his eyes and pushed me off him, making me fall on the floor.

"Sorry I- I better leave, sorry" she said putting a plastic bag on the bench and moving to go to Jamie's room.

"No, don't worry, I was just leaving" I say glaring at Jamie for pushing me off. I grab my coat and put it on, extremely pissed off now. I went into my old room and grabbed my left over stuff. I grab the jumper I newly bought, put on my scarf and open the door to leave.

"Jade!" Jamie says.

"Bye jerk" I say running down the stairs.

I get in a cab and give the location of my flat.

No sooner we drive off and I'm paying for the trip. I thank the driver and run up my flats stairs and unlock my door, putting the things on the kitchen bench and collapsing on the couch.

For half and hour I sat there, questioning whether this relationship was good.

Clearly not, my mind thought.

I sighed, getting up off the couch, going to my bedroom, stripping and getting into pyjamas.

I got into my bed and thought, I'll deal with this later, before drifting to sleep.


Here is another chapter woo!


If I am not sure about one thing it'd be that I can't make up my mind whether she should be with Jamie or not. I'll make that decision later though.

Sorry if the drama is boring you.

I'm sorry for the lack of chapters.

Please vote and comment.

If this gets 10 votes and more than 2 comments, I will post a chapter that week or the next (whenever I get wifi next). SO VOTE AND COMMENT!!!

Goodbye, and good luck in life lol I'm weird.

Peace out little munchkins!

-SHINO the only RHINO excited for some CoA news!!

(Lol I'm still reading City or Fallen Angels. Judge me. All that drama in Ashes was too much for me ha) xx

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