Chapter Six | The Hunt Begins

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"Baby I'm preying on you tonight,
Hunt you down,
Eat you alive,"


The pod sent Lockdown confirmation that it had entered the planet's atmosphere, finally, and gave him the coordinates for its destination. He guided his ship across the skies, increasing its speed cautiously, unsure of how it would react in this planet's thick atmosphere. When nothing seemed to bother it he continued on the course, the coordinates not very far from his current position, a blessing in disguise.

Estimated landing time: Twenty-four kliks.

So, only a short while. He grinned, putting the ship on autopilot before standing, giving his hounds a few quick pats before he grabbed the weapons he needed, prepping the capture nets and hooks, wanting to waste no time in entangling the warlord and slicing off his helm. If his hounds then wanted to tear him apart, that was fine. All he needed was his head.

As Lockdown prepared to engage his target the pod continued giving him updates, one final signal being sent out as it crashed into the planet, landing in a remote area on a far north portion of a continent, its rescue beacon now activated as it waited patiently for a response.

He would let Megatron respond to it first. If only to allow the Autobot inside to tire him out first before Lockdown swooped in and claimed his prize.

Everything was going according to the perfect plan.


"What is it?" Dana asked her guardian as an alert popped up on the screen. Her thoughts immediately went to MECH, but the chance of coincidence was too great. The odds of them popping up just two days after she and the others managed to connect them to different places within top secret government facilities was slim.

"Another rescue beacon from a pod, this time of Autobot origin." Ratchet announced, typing. "It landed in the Canadian forest not long after this signal was sent."

"Well, wait are we waiting for? Let's go check it out!" Dana cheered, zipping down the steps and heading towards the Apex Armor.

"Ep, ep, ep!" Ratchet interrupted, stopping her in her tracks. "Who is going to look after him while we're gone?!" He gestured to Megatron, who was admittedly becoming antsy as he was constantly denied to do anything.

"Why can't he come with us?" Dana questioned. "We'll be out in the middle of nowhere!"

"Which is not only precisely the problem, but if there is an Autobot in that pod, they could be hostile to him," Ratchet noted. "It would be best if I gave them fair warning first."

"Then Agent Fowler can watch him." She waved a hand dismissively. "That's his job description isn't it? 'Giant Robot Babysitter'?"

"Considering I am not a robot, that would make his title false." Megatron inputted, noticeably agitated from lack of doing anything.

Ratchet sighed. "No. But, after we get the Autobot settled in, Dana will be teaching them driving lessons. Then after that, if you continue with this rather impressive good behavior, Megatron, you may be next."

"And we retrieve Soundwave from the wretched Shadow Zone you put him in." Megatron growled, slightly unhappy.

Ratchet let loose a long vent, just as unhappy as the warlord. "Yes. Then we release Soundwave."

Dana noticed the tension, saying her next sentence carefully.

"So . . . Am I going with, Ratchet, or are you going to make me stay here?"

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