{ T W E N T Y F I V E }

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Seleenax ; it was hot

Iloveselena ; what

Seleenax ; The photo. It was hot

Iloveselena ; why didn't you answer me then

Seleenax ; because it was too hot

Iloveselena ; what

Seleenax ; that's not you

Iloveselena ; what? Yes it is

Seleenax ; no it isn't

Iloveselena ; yes it is

Seleenax ; Prove it

Iloveselena ; how?

Seleenax ; post a photo of you rn

Iloveselena ; rn?

Seleenax ; right now

Seleenax ; actually post it for people to see

Iloveselena ; what? Why?

Seleenax ; I want to see if anyone will comment it's not you

Iloveselena ; well they won't cuz it's me

Seleenax ; post one

Iloveselena ; I don't have one

Seleenax ; anyone with your face will do :)

Iloveselena ; ughhhh

Direct Messages ♡ jb Where stories live. Discover now