Chapter 3 - Reminiscing and Revelations

Start from the beginning

The growing sound of footsteps running up the stairs reached their ears, and suddenly, the door swung open once more to reveal prince Thorin. This time, Dania was thoroughly unable to control her heartbeat, strangely enough.

"Frerin," he spoke in a calm but severe voice, "father wants a word with you."

"But — why?"

Prince Thorin sighed. "I suppose it would have to do with you running off like a madman."

"But, I just wanted to see Dania!" Frerin retorted.

His brother paused for a moment, his eyes landing on Dania for an instant before falling back on Frerin.

"Then you should have waited," he said. "Stop making excuses; you are not a child."

"Only if you'll stop acting like such a josser," Frerin retorted.

Dania's eyes widened, and she saw that the others looked just as taken aback. Thorin looked intently at his brother for a moment before playfully shoving him out of the room. Frerin's laughter echoed from the hallway and Thorin smirked as he shook his head. Then he turned to the girls and fell severe once more.

"Sorry for disturbing you," he said and bowed. His eyes landed momentarily on Dania as he straightened himself, and he nodded his head in greeting before leaving. She desperately tried to suppress her smile.

"I am sorry about that," Dís said once the door was closed shut.

"Your little brother is a devil," Ester said with a small laugh as she shook her head.

"It's no bother at all, Dís," Illiana said. "In any case, we should get going if we don't want to walk outside in the dark."

"Of course," Dís said as she stood up to hug the three ladies.

"It was very nice to meet you, Dania," Illiana added with a smile in my direction.

Once the three of them had exited the room, Dania turned to Dís. "I should go as well — "

"Oh, please stay a little longer!" she said as she grabbed her hand. "We have not even had a chance to talk, just the two of us!"

"Alright," Dania said with a smile as they sat back down on the sofa.

"I have some news," she said, and the brightest smile appeared on her fair face.

Dania leaned in toward her in anticipation.

"I am to be betrothed," she spoke in a breathless voice, excitement strolling through every syllable.

She let out a shocked laugh. "Really? To whom?"

"His name is Frey," she said. "He's so kind and gentle and caring — Oh! I just know you will love him!"

"I'm so happy for you, truly," Dania told her, her smile mirroring her friend's.

"Thank you," Dís said with a wide smile. "I'm so happy I'll get to spend most days with you now. Nàl, Ester, and Illiana are wonderful . . . but they are not you."

Though simple, her words warmed Dania's heart like the afternoon spring sun. All these long years, she had thought about Dís often, but she had not let herself believe that the princess could feel the same.

Dís went on. "I mean, you're my best friend — you always have been and, well . . . I feel like I can really talk to you. Even though we haven't talked in ages, I know I can be myself and not — well, a princess, a lady, whatever it is they expect of me."

Dania smiled. "I'm glad; I feel the same," she said softly. "I'll always be there for you. If what you need is to forget you are a lady for a few moments, I promise I won't tell."

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