Chapter 17: Truth or dare, why the hell did you kiss me?!

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"Ok then, Aiden. Kiss Tessa." -Nathan Hans #HTB

Tessa's POV:

Tyler spun the bottle and it landed on Serena. "Me, me!" Nathan jumped in between. "I'll ask the question." He smirked.

"It's your turn anyways." Tyler rolled his eyes. "Fucking excited child." He murmured.

"Who said I'll take the truth?" Serena raised her brow on which Nathan's smirk widened.

"Then dare?" Nathan asked. Serena stared at Nathan's face. "Yep." She said confidently.

"Why didn't you take the truth?" I asked unbelievably. Ofcourse I would take truth cause dare means losing your life. The fuc- I mean the boys were evils!

"Good choice darling!" Nathan rubbed his hands. "Ok, so....." He acted of thinking.

"Nate, tell me."

"Yeah, it's umm-"

"Say it already Nathan!"

"Kiss the boy at your left." He smirked. Serena looked at her left to find Aiden who's eyes widened and he looked confused. We all were confused about the dare. Or I thought that he'll ask her to kiss him. Nathan's eyes widened when he noticed that Aiden was sitting at Serena's left not him. "No, no, no! I mean right!" He point at his direction. "This direction!" We all laughed.

Serena shook her head and turned to Aiden. "Sorry Nate, you've lost your chance." She chuckled and kissed Aiden's cheek who placed his arms around her and chuckled. He's so friendly with both Musa and Serena but not with me. Not that I am jealous but still, he don't need to be an asshole.

Nathan growled and hit the bench. "Fuck these direction." He hissed and we all laughed hard. Poor him. "When will my chance come again?" He asked Tyler who simply shrugged. "Damm you Ty."

"Ok!" Tyler clapped. "Let's spin the bottle again." We all nodded and he spun the bottle again. It landed on Tyler himself and he chose truth on which Nathan called him pussy. Tyler was being asked that when's the last time he kissed a girl on which his eyes widened and Musa's too. Tyler didn't answer but we forced him cause I felt like it had to do something with Musa who looked flush.

Tyler finally spoke to reveal that he kissed Musa on island when he accidentally fell on her. Musa's face was now not less then a cherry. "Awe!" We all shouted.

"Shut up guys." Musa said shyly.

"Guys enough," Aiden laughed. "We don't need to embarrass them."

The game started again and the bottle land on Serena again but this time she chose truth so Tyler asked her the worst thing Nathan did to her on her brother's wedding. He mentioned Scott's wedding especially cause Nathan played several pranks on Serena that day.

"I remember so many but the worst was when he filled my clutch with the ice cream and when I put my hand insid my clutch- EWW!" Serena couldn't finish her sentence and reached on the verge of puking. "Nathan is a fucker to do this." She screeched while Nathan only laughed.

"It's was the best!" He laughed more making Serena fumed in anger.

"Go to hell!"

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