Chapter 15: Changing behavious and strong bondings.

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"She loves me." -Nathan Hans #HTB

Tessa's POV:

We left the island next day early in the morning. I was still wondering that why haven't we left at night but who could argue with Aiden.

The ride to the yacht was tiring but comfortable at the same time. Aiden's jet was luxurious with the bedrooms and comfortable beds. Sheesh did I mention that I was a sleepy head? Well, I am and a big one. I went inside the room and jumped on the bed with the creamy sheets. Then I noticed something actually smelled something.

The room had the familiar scent.


It hit me hard.

It's Aiden's cologne.

I was in Aiden's room.

But too late cause when I shot up, two hazel eyes were looking down at me with shock and anger. "What the-"

"I AM SO SORRY!" I didn't give him a chance to shout properly before I ran past him. Hah, I got myself save from the beast's deathly shout. I poured myself some water and drank it in one go before turning back. Aiden was still there, at the door of his room, watching me, my every move. Ugh!

I covered my mouth not wanting to split all the water out of it. I knew that I couldn't take the water in cause it'll make me cough and who knows I could die in the spot. Nah, I didn't want to die and that was must.

Aiden rolled his eyes and closed the door. I took a breath in relief and the water made its way down to my throat without making me dead.

He opened the door again and my breath hitched. His wanted to say something probably shout but stopped before throwing my scarf on me. "Don't left things!" He snapped and closed the door with a thud. Shit!, I stomped my foot on the carpet.

I've embarrassed myself Infront of him, again.

When will you stop forgetting things Tessa?

"Heya!" Serena jumped on me from behind and I gasped.

"Ahh!" I smacked her arm. "If you did this two seconds ago, I'd be dead by now." Serena scratched her head as she tried to register my words. Poor her, I wouldn't tell her what I meant.

It took 23 hours to reach at NewYork's airport and we all excitedd to go straight to the yacht because our luggage was already there. Yep, nobody wanted to waste their time collecting things and dresses from their houses so we all came with a plan before leaving for the island, which was to hand over our needed accessories to the fashion week's staff. It was actually Aiden's mother's idea.

We slept in the plane for like hours and then took a shower before it landed. "Yay!!"

"Finally." Nathan stretched his arm as he waited for the gates to open. "I was so tired, I wonder how did we stayed here for one week." Our heads snapped at Nathan's direction with a questioning look. "Oh, nothing. Just boys things." He shrugged it off and we, the girls didn't care to ask him more.

Finally we were out of the plane and now at our way towards the yacht which was two hours drive away from the airport. The drive was actually good. Nathan, Tyler and I were in a car while Aiden, Musa and Serena were in the other. It's was Serena who was taking my place but when the arrangements made and it was decided that Nathan will be in red Ferrari, I had to replace Serena or it would definitely be a car crash before the reaching at  the yacht.

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